Friday 7 June 2019

Rainy Days (June 6, 2019)

 Well we are getting some more much needed rain.
I would prefer sunny days every days but I know we really need the rain so I'm grateful.
It's far better that the snow that is forecasted for Saturday - sure hope that doesn't happen!

Up a little but I know I'm sticking to my plan so I'm not going to let it get to me.
I'm just going to keep on keeping on.

I picked up a couple of 5 lb weights the other day at Walmart so I can do exercises at my desk.
I try to get up and go for a walk around the office every hour and when I get back to my desk, I do a couple exercises with the weights.
I've been doing it for two days now and it's going good.

It was raining but I still put my coat on and went for a walk to the road this morning.
Don't think I'll go this afternoon though, the road it getting really muddy and I don't have the proper type of footwear.
I had the bottle guy from Barrhead coming to pick up our bottles today and the Mayerthorpe bottle guy was in town too so there was a bit of a mix up.
I thought they were the same and when I realized they weren't and told the Mayerthorpe fellow not to bother coming because I called the other guy first, he went anyway to my house while I wasn't home and went right in my backyard to get my bottles.
He pretty much had them all loaded up by the time I got home so I had to ask him to unload them.
I felt bad for the guy because I knew it was his boss back at the office that told him to do it.
The Barrhead guy told me the other fellow has been trying to take his business.
Anyway, got it all sorted, the correct guy took the bottles and we are now $365.00 richer!
I had a meeting at noon until 2 pm then another from 2 pm to 3 pm so the afternoon went by quickly.

After work, I stopped by to visit my son and Baby F, Miss H too, she just happened to be in the shower when I got there.

She is so darn cute I can hardly stand it.
She loves the phone so I put it in selfie mode so she could see herself.

She would be good with me for a few minutes then she'd want her dad.

When Baby F wasn't vying for his attention, Louie was instead.

Miss Z dropped over while I was there and she was loving on Louie.

He was licking her face and I tried to snap a picture but he was too quick for me.

Miss H found this car on the Buy & Sell for Baby F and she just loves it.
Finally was able to capture her clapping on camera!

I went home and warmed up some leftovers before heading to my FCSS meeting.
I ran up and down the stairs a few times before I left to get that goal met for today.

I saw a recipe for Watermelon chips on Instagram today and I totally want to try them.

This totally happens all the time.
I must admit though that I'm glad that he calms me down and helps me to see things from a different perspective instead of fanning the flames.
I am so going to get one of these for My Honey.

I was so excited to see this because My Honey loves them and we've been wanting to see them but he's working that day.
Darn job!

Ha ha - this made me giggle.

Cats & toddlers - they'd much rather play with the boxes than the things that actually came in the boxes.

Absolutely this is every road trip ever with My Honey & I.
I worked hard to reach the 'Stairs' goal but kind of let the step goal slip.
I did get in 250+ steps every hour for 12 hours so that's something to be proud of.
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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