Sunday 9 June 2019

My Baby Boy Turns 27! (June 7, 2019)

It was a chilly one out there this morning.
At least we didn't get the snow that they were forecasting for. 

Weigh in was great, I was down a little bit, yahoo!

Today my baby boy turned 27!!!!
How did that happen.
This was he & I about 10 years ago.
He is such a good, kind person and I am so thankful that I get to be his mom. 

His Honey, Miss H, posted this group of pictures and I love them.
Makes my heart full to know that he's found someone to share his life with and she takes the time to do things like this for him.

I had some veggies for coffee break.

I sent this to BN to tease him for leaving his garbage behind after break.

I got out for my walk to the road after break, it was cold so I walked really fast!

Lunch was left over pork chops with potatoes.  

I got out for my second walk of the day earlier in the afternoon than usual.
It had at least warmed up a bit - still enough chill to put a spring in my step though.

We were having a retirement supper for BB tonight at the golf course.
Pretty much everyone left early to head out there.
Some had a round of golf, others just to hang out.

I decided last minute I should make a chocolate bar poster for him so headed out a bit early too so I could get to work on it.
I picked up a bunch of chocolate bars then headed home to figure out something to say using them.

I set out all the bars that I bough then got to it.
This was what I came up with. 

Then I put it together.
I'm happy with how it turned out.

It was almost 5:30 when I finished and supper was at 6:00 so I headed out to the golf course right away.

We sat and visited while the guest of honor finished up a round of golf. 

He was the first one up for the food then it was a free for all.

It was a roast beef dinner with baked potatoes, salads, veggies and horse radish sauce.
I skipped the potato because I'd had some for lunch and loaded up on the roast beef and horse radish sauce instead.
I love the stuff.

We were lucky enough to be sitting near the food so we were one of the first tables through the food line.

Some of the former retirees came back for the supper, it was nice to see them.

It was a great turn out.

The food line went almost the whole length of the club house.

My dinner companions.

I tried to get everyone to look for the picture but AG wasn't having it.

It was nice to get together with everyone.
Reminded me of old times when we had golf tournaments - they were a lot of fun.

Had to turn around and get the end of the table too.

Another table full of co-workers.
My old boss, RH, was able to make it and it was so nice to see her.

More friends and co-workers.

Had to get the end of the table again.

Trying to get everyone to look at the same time is difficult. 

So had to take a second picture but I got everyone. 

The guest of honor and his family.

Making his speech.
Gonna miss you BB!

Had to take a selfie to prove I was there too.

Meanwhile, my DIL cooked supper for my son and got him a birthday cake.

Only one girlfriend!

I was happy to see he got a cake today.
I'm having everyone over for supper tomorrow but today is his actual birthday so I'm glad it was special for him.

I dropped by there after the retirement dinner to give him a card and have a visit.
They were having dinner and family time on the couch.

Baby F is VERY attached to her mom right now and is NOT happy when she is not in her field of vision. 

She was just chillaxing on the couch with mom & dad and loving every minute of it.

Family time!

I love this, going to make one to put up in the porch I'm going to have one day.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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