Monday 17 June 2019

New TV Stand (June 15, 2019)

I got a call around 9:30 this morning for a ride out to the golf club so that got me up and going.

This is how I found Paddington sleeping on the couch.
Ha ha - what a little goofball he is.

My Honey made us omelets for breakfast and they were so good.

I got some laundry going and then we went outside to do some work.
My Honey was finishing up the tv stand that he started a few months ago.

The weather was weird, the sun would be out and shining and gorgeous then suddenly these grey clouds would come and it would rain.
Then it would be sunny again then rain and back and forth all afternoon.
We kept having to take the stand into the garage then we'd take it out then put it in and so on until eventually we decided to just take it into the house. 

We had leftovers for lunch.

Then we got busy painting the stand.

I wanted the inside to be blue and we gave the outside another coat of white.
We finished up and let it dry.

We had hamburgers with brussel sprouts and baked sweet potato for supper.
The brussel sprouts were the closest we've come to getting them like the ones at Original Joe's, My Honey even made a sauce to drizzle on them.

The stand was ready to be sanded and My Honey did that while I drove out to pick up some guys at the golf course that were ready for a drive home.

Being silly - he knew I was picking him up anyway so not sure where he thought the leg would get him but it was funny.

My Honey got the handles on the stand and got it all sanded.

We got the tv on it and all hooked up - it even swivels.
I'm so happy with how it turned out - My Honey is just amazing.

This memory popped up on Facebook again.
This is the original.

This is after my son added some edits too it.
His imagination still impresses me every time I see it.

I only did a few taxi runs this evening but they were long ones because they wanted to make stops and then they'd get side tracked.
I didn't mind though, it was entertaining and I'd much rather drive them than to see anyone drive drunk!

I didn't get over to see Baby F today.
Miss H's grandparents were coming up and her family was all getting together for Father's Day, plus her mom, dad and sister are hitting the road tomorrow and driving to PEI so I didn't want to intrude on their plans.
I'm having them over tomorrow for Father's Day so I'll see them then.

My Honey and I had another late night, that's two in a row, we're just a couple of regular partiers over here!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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