Tuesday 4 June 2019

Exploring Our Own Backyard! (June 1, 2019)

When My Honey & I got up this morning, we still didn't really know what we wanted to do exactly, only that we wanted to do something.
So My Honey made us a picnic lunch and we hopped in the truck and headed out. 

We drove past the longest (and likely most expensive) bridge project ever that always makes My Honey so happy (not).

Looks like they are actually making some headway though - they have built the grade up pretty much to where the road needs to go so I think we can expect to see the road back to normal at least by the end of the summer.
We stopped in at Fort Assiniboine just to have a look around.
We went and drove around the campground where BN camps.
Then back in town they had this cute little park. 
With a gorgeous crab apple tree in full bloom.
The bee activity in there when you get up close was amazing. 
The shades of pinks on the flowers are beautiful too.
We planted a few of these on our property and I can't wait to see them in bloom one day. 

This river runs in behind the park.
It looks pretty quick moving so I'm not sure that I'd go out on it but people do.

Regardless, it's still pretty.

The lilacs are in full bloom too.
I just love them, I can't wait to get a vase full for my house.

We also stopped to check out the giant wagon wheel which I've never done before in all my years here.
Kind of cool.
Then we were back on the road.
We went the back way to Barrhead and stopped in at the Red Apple store.
I picked up a couple of tank tops for $3.33 each.
Not a bad deal!
We also went in and drove around Lac La Nonne area.
It's a lake community and it's really nice.
We still had no destination in mind but I've heard about this general store in Carvel so we took that exit and came upon this quaint old church.
It looks like they still have mass there which is nice to see.
We did find the General Store that I've been wanting to go to for years.

This sign is very to the point.

The general store had lots of cute little items.
Like these arrow chalkboards.

I'm not sure what a person would do with these?

There was a bench made out of an old tailgate.
It's a cute idea, I wouldn't want it for my place though.

Cute little seats made from old barnwood.

Lots of signs that I liked.
I ended up buying a sign and My Honey picked up a cookbook.
The lady that worked in there was super friendly.
The whole place was neat and tidy and dust free.
It's a wonderful little store and I know I'll be back!

By this time we were ready to have some lunch so we started looking for a place to eat.
We just happened upon this park, Constable Chelsey Robinson Park. 

It was quite out of the way and you had to drive down into this ravine but it was really pretty.
Don't mind the bugs all over the windshield - the mosquitos are crazy this year and we just can't seem to keep the windshield clean.

I remembered that a fellow who used to work with me lost his sister-in-law a few years back in a car accident.
She was an RCMP officer and his last name was Robinson so I thought it might be the same person so I looked it up and sure enough it was.

It was a huge, beautiful area with picnic tables everywhere and barely anyone around.

Very peaceful and quiet.

Everything looked so green - I loved it.

Adventure Day Selfie.

My Honey found half of a robins egg.
Then he found the other half.
Now I understand where the color "robins egg blue" comes from.

There was a family hanging out down by the river and there little guy was just covered in mud.
I heard them saying that people pay big bucks to do that and it made me giggle because we did just that when we were in Costa Rica. 

Ha ha.
Here we are, My Honey, BN and I.
We were in Costa Rica for a co-workers wedding and we went on this excursion to go zip lining and afterwards we stopped at this "healing" mud bath place.
JRA was with us too but he refused to get in the mud.
We look totally silly but we had a lot of fun.

We found a picnic table with a nice view and sat and had our lunch.
There were barely any mosquitos, thank goodness, but the spiders and ants crawling on my feet were driving me near foolish.
After our picnic lunch, we checked online to see how far away Spruce Grove was and what time Aladdin was playing.
It was only a half hour away and we had an hour until the show so we hit the road.
We went this back way to Spruce Grove and it was very scenic.
We got there in plenty of time for the movie.
I had a small popcorn but skipped the butter.
I really enjoyed the movie.
I thought Will Smith did a great job as the genie considering the shoes he had to fill.
After the show, we stopped to get some groceries for supper tomorrow.
I invited everyone over to celebrate My Honey's birthday even though it was a couple weeks ago now.
We picked up some spicy California rolls for the drive home.

New song we heard and liked on the way home.

And an oldie that I really like.

There was this weird mist all along the side of the road on the way home.
In some places it was so bad that you could barely see and there were a ton of deer out so we had to be careful.

A view of the bridge project from the other side.

You can see that they almost have the grade built up to where they can connect the road again.

Another good oldie.
We found this Yacht Rock station on Sirius and it's pretty good.

The sun was setting and it looked so pretty I got My Honey to stop so I could take a picture.

We started seeing lightning off in the distance and it worried me because it's so dry.
There are already so many fires burning in the province, I don't want more to start.
It did start raining too so at least we are getting a little bit of water on the ground.
We certainly need it.

Another oldie - I take pictures so I remember to buy them later.

My brother had to work at 5am and his honey was off to her mom's retirement party for the night so he asked if the kids could come over.
I much preferred that to me getting up and being to his place by 5 am, so I let him know when we got home and he dropped them off.

They watched a bit of tv while we put things away then it was time for bed.
They of course wanted to sleep with up so we let them.
It was a really nice day exploring our own backyard!
That is all for today, until next time, be happy.


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