Sunday 9 June 2019

Birthday Supper for My Boy (June 8, 2019)

Yesterday morning when I arrived at work, CO told me he had a present for me.

He went outside, picked this up off the ground and brought it to me.
Said he watched it roll off my truck as I drove into the parking lot.
Apparently they didn't put it back on properly the other day when we got the tires changed.
I'm glad he noticed!
I might have seen it on my walk to the road but I would have had no idea that it was mine.

I got up just after My Honey left for work, made myself a coffee then watched an episode of Heartland.
I still have a few episodes to watch this season - wonder what I'll watch next!

Just after 9 am, I picked up my niece, Miss M, then she & I headed to WCT. 

We saw this huge bird, maybe a hawk, feasting on a carcus on the side of the road, so we pulled over to get a better look but it flew away.
The wing span on the thing was humongous.

Just for comparison, there it is on the top of the tree - wowzers!

We went to Tim Horton's first thing for some breakfast because neither of us had eaten yet.

We tried the new omelettes, they were ok.
We tried both kinds, the spinach and the bacon and cheddar.

We also made a stop at booster juice.

After we ate, we stopped at Walmart, the dollar store and Repeat Boutique where I found some great deals.
I found tons of dresses for Baby F, they were on for .50 cents each and I got 30 of them.
I also found a bunch of books for .50 cents each as well, it was quite the haul.

When we finished shopping, I stopped at Dairy Queen to pick up an ice cream cake for supper tonight, it is my son's favorite.

There is a new shawarma place there that I hadn't seen before.
It's been there for a year now so I'm not sure how I missed it but I did.

I picked up some fatoush salad and a couple of shawarmas for My Honey & I.
I called him to see if he could meet me at the road for it when I drove by on my way home but they were having issues out there and he was far too busy.
So he'll just have it later. 

Miss M picked up a pair of sunglasses for Baby F so we stopped by to give them to her and our big score from Repeat Boutique.

She let us put them on no problem.

What a cool cat!

She didn't leave them on for long.

Miss H had a look through the clothes we picked up.

There were some really cute things in there.

She didn't leave them on long but she was interested in them.

Look what I got.

My beautiful niece.
She's been working on her fitness and she looks terrific, not that she looked bad before.
She's very focused and doing so well.

After the visit, I dropped her off at home.
She'll be coming over later for supper. 

When I got home, I had some salad and my shawarma, I thought it was really good.
I kind of left getting supper ready until the last minute so I was still cooking when the guests started to arrive.

Baby F found something to get into right away.

The birthday boy opening his gift from his nanny.
She left a card for him plus she called me yesterday to tell me what to pick up for him.

Playing in the cats water dish.

Guess she's thirsty!

Mr H was happy to be reunited with his stuffy that he left here the other day.

Mom decided playing in the cats dish wasn't a great idea.

My brother and his honey.
Miss A was in a brownie camp in the city so she didn't come. 

It was sheppards pie for supper, everyone's favorite.

Even Baby F had some. 

I had a hard time convincing him to smile for a picture with his mom but he finally did. 

He wasn't happy that there was 'salad', otherwise know as vegetables, in his sheppards pie. 

I tried to bribe him into eating it by giving him his new work gloves My Honey picked up for him.

It didn't work.

I did convince him to give two thumbs up so I could take a picture to send to My Honey to show him that the gloves were a hit. 

He was pretty excited about taking them home and helping his mom tomorrow in the garden.

I got him talked into a peanut butter sandwich so he's looking a bit happier.
That didn't work out either because the bread had seeds in it.
He ended up going back to the sheppards pie because it was the only way he was going to be allowed to have any cake (and he really wanted some).

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you!

She wasn't sure what to think. 

Getting ready to blow out the candles.

He got them all in one shot.

He ate his supper now onto bigger and better things.

She has a tooth coming and I thought biting on the freezie might be nice.
I even poked a little hole in it so she would get some of the juice.

She liked it!

My brothers headed home after supper, my SIL is taking a nail course and she had a client booked tonight.
My son and the girls stayed for a bit longer, hung out and painted their toenails and fingernails.
They were still here when My Honey got home so he got to see Baby F briefly before they left.

He had his shawarma and then was off to be before 9, he got a few work calls in the middle of the night last night so he was tired.

I stayed up and watched a couple more episodes of Heartland before calling it a night myself.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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