Friday 21 June 2019

Good-Bye Grey! (June 18, 2019)

Weigh in this morning!

SV brought in some lilacs and not only are the beautiful but their aroma permeated the whole office.
They don't last long but they are sure spectacular when they are here.

My Honey gave the table a coat of paint.
I'm not sure if I like it yet or not (the color).

Lunch was left over pizza from last night and a piece of beef jerkey that My Honey made over the weekend.
That stuff is not going to last - it is so good, I sneak a piece every time I walk by.

My Honey got a table/chair made this morning just as I requested.
It's perfect because we can use it as an end table or it can double as a chair around the table we repurposed.
I am thinking about painting it blue.

I didn't get out for a walk this morning so I made sure to fit one in this afternoon.
My Honey sent me this in the afternoon, got a 2nd end table completed.

At the hair dressers, time for that grey to go!

She just did the roots this time, give my hair a break from the bleaching that needs to be done for the streaks.
As she was washing out the color, I suddenly decided that I wanted her to trim it for me too so she did.
I told her to take a good bit off - I might feel bad about it at first but I'll get over it.

Yay - the grey is all gone!

When I got home, My Honey was hard at work finishing up his 3rd end table of the day.
That boy is a machine.

It was late and we didn't want to cook so Subway for supper it was.

My Honey & I out for supper.

We stopped over to visit Baby F on the way home.

She was having supper.

And she was willing to share.

I just love that little grin of hers.
She was in a great mood, acting all silly.

Of course she and My Honey got busy building block towers as soon as she was finished eating.

There's that grin again.
Paddington escaped - he was on a mission to get some grass.

He loves the stuff so much so My Honey got some for him when he brought him back into the house.
He's like a little panda.

My Honey did so good today, he got 3 done.
I think they look awesome - now to paint them.
I'd like one more but he's back to work tomorrow so will have to wait on the last one.
I'm super happy with how they turned out.
I saw this today - it's what Islander's call the different sections of the PEI and it's so true.
My mom's family is from 'Up West' and my fathers family lives close to 'Town' (which is Summerside).

I saw this and I've always wanted a pool with a deck, this would be perfect!
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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