Friday 21 June 2019

Quiet Day (June 19, 2019)

Up down, up down.
I just keep going back and forth but at least I'm still under 270.

The grey is all gone and I'm thrilled!
It was raining and cold all day so I didn't get out for a walk.
I arranged to have AMA come out and take my car to a salvage yard finally today.
It feels like such a waste but it's been hanging over my head since February so I really needed to make a decision.
It feels so good to have that off my plate now and taken care of.
They finally finished fixing our truck too and my son & brother just happened to be in WCT for a First Aid course today so my son picked it up and drove it home for us.
When he came and picked me up so I could drop him off, I didn't even go in his place to see Baby F because I was freezing and all I could think about was getting home to a blanket.
That's exactly what I did too.
I had crackers and hummus for supper and I didn't move from my warm, cozy spot on the couch.
When My Honey got home from work, he found that the bedroom window was wide open.
No wonder I felt like a popsicle!
We watched some tv then hit the hay pretty early.
Quite an uneventful night but that's ok, nothing wrong with having a quiet evening of rest.
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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