Tuesday 11 June 2019

Unexpected Weigh In Results (June 10, 2019)

I was totally expecting to see a loss of a couple of pounds today so needless to say I was quite disappointed.
Going to keep at it though.

I got out for my morning walk to the end of the lane as usual.
It's chilly again but that didn't stop me.
I'm getting up and around the office for my 250+ steps each hour too.
My Honey sent a picture of this tree that popped up in the middle of their parking lot at work.
He said he's going to rescue it and bring it home.
I stopped and picked up a salad kit for lunch and had it with a piece of chicken.
It rained in the afternoon and I didn't have a coat so I didn't get a second walk in.

I stopped by to visit Baby F after work.
My plan is to go there every day so that she gets used to me and I can babysit her (or at least hold her and cuddle her for a bit).

She had another of the dresses on that I'd picked up on Saturday.
It looked so cute on her too.
She was kind of sticking by her dad but checking me out.
She was starting to warm up to me.
I even managed to convince her to walk over to me so I could give her a big smooch.

She didn't even mind.

My my my, she's such a darling.

Watchyu doin' dad?

The back of the dress is cute too.
Her mom isn't into pink so I was glad I was able to find a few things that were different colors but still girly.

Mommy tried to get her to build a block tower.
Baby F had other plans.
Miss Z was there visiting too.

She was doing somersaults on the couch.
Luckily it's a nice wide couch so she didn't fall off.

Trying out the blocks to see how they taste.

I helped Miss H put a dye in her hair then she was taking Baby F for a nap so I headed home.

Supper was leftover asparagus and chicken breast.

My Honey wasn't even able to get any supper when he got home because Paddington jumped right into his lap and stayed there.

He was pretty comfy, was doing his grooming - he wasn't concerned at all that My Honey hadn't eaten yet.

We decided to run to the store about 10 minutes before it closed to get some lottery tickets for tomorrow night.
The jackpot is at 65 million and I just know we're going to win but we needed a ticket.
Of course when we went outside, we were treated to the most beautiful rainbow that either of us had ever seen.

It was so bright and vivid.
Maybe because the sky was dark behind it but the sun was shining directly on it.

It was stunning anyway and we just had to stop and take pictures of it.

We nearly missed the store but I'm glad we didn't wait because it was fading fast.

We got our winning tickets then headed home and basically hit the hay.
I've not been working out - I do want to get back to it.
I thought if I at least focused on my eating that I would lose weight but I'm not sure that's enough.
I'm going to get there though - I'm not giving up this time.
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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