Wednesday 5 June 2019

Birthday Supper for My Honey (June 2, 2019)

I slept pretty good considering there were a few extra bodies in the bed last nigh.
I did notice when I looked over that My Honey was missing.

and Mr H had taken over that whole side of the bed.
I guess My Honey was kind of pushed out during the night and he went downstairs and slept in the spare bedroom.
So he slept pretty good too from that point on.

Mr H got up first and watched videos on his ipad while I made him breakfast.
He wanted scrambled eggs.
Then when Miss A finally got up (she slept in quite a bit later than the rest of us), she wanted pancakes.
Mr H wanted some also when he saw her having hers so he ate again!
I planned on having everyone over for an early supper today to celebrate My Honey's birthday.

Luckily it was a nice day so we were able to hang out in the backyard.
Even though it was his birthday that we were celebrating, My Honey did all the cooking.

He made burgers and they were delicious.

Baby F was really interested in the food.
She didn't want to be fed though, she wanted to feed herself.

Miss A had to really hang on to her plate because Baby F kept coming after it.

Showing me his karate moves.

My SIL still wasn't home from her quick Kelowna trip but my brother was able to come.

My brother R made it too.

I picked up an umbrella for cheap yesterday.
They need one for Baby F - their backyard is in full sun and they like to spend time out there so it will come in handy.
Just laying around on a sunny day.

She was so relaxed - so cute.
She was just laying there, waving at us.
Ha ha.
Everyone left by about 6pm.

I was watering my flowers out front and the kitties started coming over on the "kitty path".

There's a third one in the top right corner of the picture that was looking over our way but didn't actually come over.
I'm pretty sure it won't be long though.
My Honey makes sure to always have treats and pets for any felines that land on our doorstep.

He also has lots of cuddles for the kitties inside too.
The graduation ceremony & supper for the grads here in town yesterday and Baby F and her mom went.
I think she's trying to wink!
That's all for today, until next time, be happy!


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