Wednesday 5 June 2019

Gardening Bench/Table (June 4, 2019)

I thought about walking to work but it was on the chilly side so I drove instead.
Still making progress.
Baby steps are still steps!

Got out for my morning walk to the road right before break time.

It was a full house for break this morning, had to bring in some extra chairs even.

I had cucumbers, radishes and mini peppers for my morning snack.
My Honey was home hard at work on the gardening table.
It's just about done.

He added some railroad ties he had on hand for us to be able to hang stuff on.

Then he gave it a coat of green paint.
I worked through lunch so I could leave early.
My Honey had an appointment in WCT to get new tires on the truck and I wanted to go with him.
I did get my afternoon walk to the road in before we I left for the day.

We had to get on the road right away so I warmed up a hamburger and a hot dog to take with me for lunch.

There were some good tunes playing on the way down - I love this one.

Another goodie.
We dropped the truck off at Canadian Tire then made walked to the nearby stores.
I ended up spending close to $60.00 at the dollar store - it just sneaks up on you that place.
I got lots of hooks for the shed - I want to organize in there and I think they will come in handy.
We were looking at some ambrosia salad and it got us both craving for it so we picked up the ingredients to make some ourselves.
We made a stop at Walmart and got a great deal on some very ripe avocados so decided that we'd have that for supper.
So we found some really good bread to go with it and hit the road for home.

I whipped up my version of ambrosia as soon as we got home.
April's Ambrosia
 1 container of ultra low fat cool whip
1 container of vanilla yogurt
box of instant pistachio pudding
1 can mandarin slices drained
1 can of pineapple tidbits drained
1 can of peaches, drained and cut to bite size pieces
1 small bag of slivered almonds
Half bag of small colored marshmallows
Approx 4 cup of flaked coconut
Mix together and voila!
It is so delicious.

We made avocado toast for supper.
We picked up a roast chicken, added some feta, cherry tomatoes and siracha and it was so good and filling.
I was only able to eat one slice (I did have a bowl of ambrosia before hand so that probably contributed to the fullness).

My Honey had the gardening bench all done.
He made a section you could lift out so I could put a container in there to catch extra soil.
We took measurements but didn't take into consideration the wood on the underside of the lid that lifts out so the container didn't fit.
My niece wants us to make this for her dog so instead of returning the container, I think we'll use it for that.
Guess this will by My Honey's next project. 

I really love how the railroad ties look.

I wanted to add another color so we painted the backs of the shelf area blue and I think it gives it a nice pop.
We added a hanger we found at the dollar store and I am so in love with how it turned out.
I can't believe he just created this in a day.
That Honey of mine sure is amazing.
In other news, my son and his honey posted some pictures of their trip to the carnival in WCT today.

They took Miss Z along with them.

Looks like she had a blast.

Wicked is coming to Edmonton and I'm so excited.
I saw it on Broadway but I'd love to go see it again and maybe take my SIL, DIL and nieces.
Sharing the experience with them would be a lot of fun.
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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