Tuesday 25 June 2019

Off to Shop with Miss M! (June 23, 2019)

We were up and on the road by 8 am this morning.
Miss H decided it would be too long of a day for Baby F so they didn't come, instead we dropped by there and she gave us a list of things she needed.
We made our first stop at Marshalls.
Not because I needed anything but just because I like it.
I ended up getting a little blue dress for Baby F that had sea turtles all around the bottom and little sea turtle buttons.
Really cute!
Next we stopped at the Italian Market.
My Honey wanted me to pick him up a spicy sandwich.
My niece was in awe of all the goodies they had there - neither of us got any though - we were good.

We each got a sandwich and I got one for My Honey too.

It was a beautiful sunny day out so we sat at the outdoor tables and ate our breakfast/lunch.

I forgot my phone in the truck so I had to get her to take pictures for me.
Thought she'd like to have a selfie of me, ha ha!

Enjoying lunch with my girl.
My Honey sent me this picture of the bbq he's preparing for the guys at work today.
Fried chicken and hash brown casserole.
Yum yum.
From there we headed to the mall.
Miss M had a few things she wanted to get and we also did the shopping for Miss H.
Love this shoe made out of flowers on display at WEM (West Edmonton Mall).
I was hoping to get home early but that didn't happen.
No biggie though, it's not often that I get to spend the day with Miss M so I enjoyed it.

We stopped in Stony Plain for some supper.
Miss M picked Edo and I picked Quesada.
I've never been there before but I wanted something I could hold in my hand and eat.

The lady ahead of me was ordering a burrito bowl and I decided I had to have one too.
So much for holding it in my hand.
Miss M had to wait a bit for her food as they had a big order ahead of her so I was able to eat half of mine before we hit the road.

When we got home, we stopped over at my son's to drop off the stuff we picked up for Miss H.
She asked for these sunglasses.
I think they look cute on her.

My boy just being silly.
Miss H was happy with the things we picked out for her which made us happy.
We are good shoppers!
I didn't get to see Baby F because she was sleeping but I'll see her tomorrow.
I dropped Miss M off next then headed home where I ate the rest of my burrito bowl.
It was 8 by the time I arrived home so pretty much I ate then we headed to bed.
I did a lot of walking today and I was tired.
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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