Wednesday 19 June 2019

More Visiting with Baby F (June 17, 2019)

I'm just hovering here around this weight and I can't seem to make any significant changes.
It's down and least but I would really love to see it go down more and faster.

Made it out for a morning walk to the road.

My Honey made us omelets for lunch and I cooked up some Kodiak cakes.

Paddington was hanging out on his favorite spot again.
My Honey needed to pick up a few things at the Hardware after work so we stopped by to have a visit with Baby F (and her parents) while we were out.

Found daddy's wallet.

My Honey got right to work building block towers.

Baby F went over to investigate right away.
She just seems to be so entranced with what he is doing.

Normally she waits until he has it built before knocking it down.
I'm loving this little dress on her so much.

Time for supper.

Deep in thought.

Uncle R came up for a visit while we were there.

I try not to distract her while she's eating.

It's hard to resist peeking at her though.
She kept peeking around at me too.
Supper is all done so I put my phone in selfie mode and let her see herself.

Those eyes though - gorgeous.

Cuddling up to her mama.  She's getting tired now so time for us to go home and let her get to bed.

My Honey got a new 'leg' built for the table top.
I think it looks great.

Lazy supper night - we had frozen pizza.
I had bbq pineapple chicken.

My Honey had pepperoni but he doctored his up a bit and it looks way better than mine.
I have an appointment for tomorrow after work to get this grey taken care of and I can't wait.

We have a guy here in town who loves to take pictures and he's always out and about at events taking pictures which he then shares with everyone.
He took this one of Baby F the today.
She looks like she is on the verge of crying but I still love the picture.
It's nice and clear and captures her little serious side so well.
He's a great photographer and it's so nice of him to document so much of life around our little town.

My SIL posted this today, Mr H is ready to go for a swim!
Ha ha.
He's missing some pretty important parts of his wardrobe but I don't think he is one bit concerned about that.
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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