Monday 24 June 2019

First Day of Summer! (June 21, 2019)

It was raining and chilly out there this morning.
Yuck - First day of summer and it's miserable out there.
We do need the rain however so I can't complain too much.

269.4 lbs this morning (notice the jeans and socks, it was cold).

I decided to work through lunch because I had a bunch of stuff I was trying to get done so I ran to the store quickly and picked up celery, hummus, cheese and a piece of chicken.

I stopped at my son's after work to see Baby F - I missed seeing her yesterday.

She was all about chasing the dog around today.

So much sweetness wrapped up in one little package.

I got down on the ground with her and she came right over - she's warming up to me definitely.

I stayed to visit for about an hour then I headed home.
I didn't feel like cooking much but wanted to have something ready for My Honey when he got home so I drove to the store for some bread and soup.

I made creamy tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches and it was a perfect supper for a cold, rainy day.
I so want to try to make these - I think they are just too cute.

This cracks me up every time I see it on Facebook!

This is cute too and I think it would be an easy project to make.
One of these days!
I put my fitbit on the charger last night and I forgot to put it back on this morning before I left so the day was nearly over by the time I remembered to put it back on.
Do all those steps I took before I got it back on count I wonder?
Ha ha, of course they do - doesn't look good on the tracker but my body still thanks me for it.
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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