Monday 3 June 2019

It's Friday!!! (May 31, 2019)

The ground was a little misty this morning so I'm not sure if it rained through the night or not but the smoke did seem a little clearer.
I'm up this morning.
I had a smoothie and a handful of nuts before bed last night.
Not sure if that contributed but not going to let it get to me.
I'm going to keep on trucking.

There are the flowers we picked up yesterday.

We picked up a lilac bush too which I am so excited about.
Now to just get it planted.

This is a close up.

I just love the purple ones - they are all pretty but those are my favorite.

I got out for a walk to the road this morning.

Walk number one of the day is done!

It is clearer today but the smoke is still there.
I think it's getting smokier too as the day goes on.

Cucumbers and radishes for coffee break.

I also had some watermelon - so refreshing.

Everyone was on their phones this morning at coffee break.

Checking out the forest fire situation here in Alberta.
It's a scary situation.

This greeted me in the kitchen when I got home for lunch.
My Honey was working in his office which is where we keep the extra toilet paper and he didn't even notice Professor Snuggles sneaking this out behind him.
Walk number two is done!
My Honey sent me this picture this afternoon of he and Paddington cuddling on the couch.

I picked up these hanging baskets for myself at Walmart, they were only $11 a piece which I thought was a great deal.

We walked down to visit Baby F.
They were having supper, she was taking hers and dropping it over the high chair for Louie.

My brother asked if I could watch Mr H for a bit so I told him to drop him off to us at my son's.
He was playing with Baby F.
His version of Peek-a-boo.
So cute.

My Honey was right down there on the floor playing with them like he always does.
He is just so good with kiddos and really listens to them and gives them his full attention.
No wonder they love him so much.
They had a little dance party.
Then it was time for us to go.
I finally got a video of her waving good bye!

We walked home and passed by the park so Mr H wanted to go in a play a bit.
He found a friend right away (or the friend actually found him).

They had a race down the slide - looks like a tie.

Then they were off to do it again.
The mosquitos were REALLY bad so we didn't stick around there long.
We stopped at the store and got ice creams (I skipped).

When we got to the house, Mr H wanted a bath.
We had picked up these markers and crayons for in the tub so we let him play with them.
I'm not sure who was enjoying marking all over the walls more out of the two?

It's pretty cool stuff though, it just wipes right off with a face cloth.

I wanted him to wash his face but he didn't think it was dirty so I had to take this picture to prove to him that it was.
He was still in the tub when my brother arrived to pick him up so we got him dried off and dressed and off he went.
Ha ha.

I thought this was good advice.
My Honey and I were still on the fence as to whether or not we'd head into the city tomorrow.
We didn't stay up too terribly late though just in case.
That is all for today, until next time, be happy.

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