Sunday 10 June 2018

Roloff Farm - Portland Trip 2018 (May 17, 2018)

Our appointment for our private tour of Roloff Farms was scheduled for 10 am so I was up at 8 am getting ready.
I was so tired but I was excited too.
I DID NOT want to be late and I wasn't sure how long it would take us to get there.
We hit some construction that caused a bit of a hold up when we were on our way to the hotel last night.
We left the room at 9 am and ended up getting out there around 9:45.

It was a lovely drive.

Just look at those trees!

Everything is so green around here.

There is it!

Because I didn't want to be super early, we decided to drive around and look at the scenery for a few minutes.

I just can't get over how beautiful it all is.

That tree though - WOW!

I am just in love with this area.

We drove for a few minutes then we thought - screw it- and just headed back.
When you first turn into the driveway, there are red buildings to the left.
We drove in there thinking it was a part of the farm but it wasn't.
It was a peach farm.

We had to continue up the driveway a bit further then we came across another Roloff Farm sign.

The big old gate too - this is where the intercom is.
We pressed #2 on the intercom as instructed in our emails with the farm and the voice that answered I could tell right away was Zach's.
I was so excited as I was hoping that he would be the one who took us on the tour.
He told us to hang tight and he'd be there in a couple minutes.

I was concerned that it might feel awkward him being a celebrity of sorts and all but it wasn't.
He drove up on his side by side and we hopped on and it felt really natural, like he was a friend.
He was so nice and polite, very sincere & genuine and you could sense that about him right away..
He really made the whole experience a great one.
I knew I would like him and I did.

He took us around and told us we could ask anything.
We came upon the "big house" or Amy's place first thing.
It's strange to see something so familiar for the first time. 

The office for the farm was right next door.

There is the patio off of Amy's place.
The flowers look gorgeous.

I was excited to see it because a lot of scenes are filmed here.
Zach said he understood but to him it was weird because it's just his mom's deck, ha ha!

This would be a lovely place to spend an afternoon.
I think there is actually a clip of the kids playing on this tire swing when they are much younger in the opening of the show.

It is just a gorgeous place.

Jackson (Zach's son) just turned one over the weekend and they had a party here for him.
Zach told us that they'd celebrated many of their birthdays in the big barn when they were young and so that is where he wanted to celebrate Jackson's 1st birthday and so they did.

More barns on the property.

I think many scenes on the show have been filmed here as well.

Quite the chicken coop!

This barn was actually on a neighboring property and when the neighbor passed, the Roloffs purchased the property.
I love the door - it doesn't really lead anywhere but it is still cool

Lots of old stuff hanging around - looks like Matt is a collector.

The windmill they made on an episode.
It was more work than they expected but I think it looks great.

The wedding barn - I love the posts and beams.

My Honey loved them too - he is checking them out intently.
We want to build our own barn someday so we are always paying attention to little details.

I love the old wagons.

The view looking out of the barn.

What a great setting for a wedding.
Bet when those lights are turned on at night that it looks fabulous.

This is looking back at the wedding barn.
Zach said that they don't hold weddings there currently but perhaps they will in the future again someday.

It is a great size of a barn and I love how rustic it looks.

The trebuchet - not sure if it's the one that Jacob was injured because there were two there.
Zach pointed out which was which but I forget.
They have since stopped using them to avoid any further injury.

We set off to look around the farm further.

There is the little church - so cute.

The firepit - many scenes for the show filmed there as well.

We went in through the woods.
The eyes on the trees are so cute.

Zach & Jeremy built this little fort all by themselves.
There is a beaver busy in there now cutting down trees and Zach saw him for the first time today with us.

Someone in California had an ark they were getting rid of and they contacted Matt to see if he was interested in having it for the farm.
He was of course so he had it moved up here.
Isn't that cool?

Just a different view of the farm.

There is a soccer field.

More cute buildings.

More of a panoramic of the back of the house.

The Western town from the back.

That tree is amazing and so is the tree fort in it.

I am in love with all the trees.

This is where the bulk of pumpkin season takes place.

Coolest tree fort ever!

Molly's Castle.

The infamous thrones Matt picked up for the castle.

I thought it was the neatest thing ever being there.

The inside is even all done up like a castle.

Goblets and skulls

Every little detail thought of.

These old doors are great.

If this place doesn't encourage imagination then I don't know what would.

This is where the old pirate ship used to be before they had to tear it down due to it falling into major disrepair.

The wild west town.

Again, the attention to detail is amazing.

Growing up here and having all this to play around in must have been so much fun.

The inside of the saloon.

There is even a little stage.

And a little bar.

There are even tunnels all underneath the whole western town and trapdoors in each of the buildings to get down into the tunnels.

So cool.

The barber shop.

The jail.

Zach took our picture for us.

Down at the end here is the first building Matt built and it is a life size doll house for Molly.
Oh the times that must have been had out here.

The blacksmiths.

The entrance to the town.

Even Stables.

There was a tennis course.

The Roloff Gotel for the goats.

There were a few of the occupants of the gotel roaming around.

There was even a peacock.

Matt goes around and tears down old barns to salvage the wood and it is kept very neat and orderly.
I'd do the same if I had somewhere to keep it.

Matt's office.
My Honey would so loved to have met him (me too).
However, he left yesterday for a book tour in Arizona.
Maybe another time.

The view of Amy's place from the office.

We stopped back at the house and Zach went in to get Amy to come out and meet us.
Jacob was there - the red van belongs to him.
He and his fiance are living there at Amy's currently.

When Amy came out I got a little star struck which I wasn't expecting at all.
It was the weirdest feeling.
She was so friendly and we chatted shortly then Zach got Jacob to take our picture.
Jacob was very friendly as well.

Then it was pretty much time to head out.

We saw a few more things on the way out.
This is the new pirate ship that they built.

This might creep me out a bit if I were walking around there by myself.

I remember now that this is the trebuchet involved in the incident.

The view up to the gate to leave.

My Honey asked Zach if he would pose for one more picture with me.
Then it was over.
Zach said that they hadn't received the cheque from me yet but they would call me if there was an issue.
We were there for about an hour all in all and I loved the whole thing.
It was a great experience - I'd even do it again.

We left there and drove around a bit.
Went back to the church we thought had a lovely view last time we were there.

It had gorgeous roses blooming in the back.

More lovely blooms.

Our rental this trip.
It was fortunate because My Honey was recently looking at buying a Subaru so this gave him a chance to go for a really great test drive!

We hadn't eaten yet today so we were a bit hungry.
We looked up nearby places to eat and found this Pumpkin cafe so headed there.

We came across fields and fields of red that looked so pretty.
We weren't sure what it was.

It reminded me of clover but it is normally a lilac color so we were stumped.

So we pulled over have a closer look and we decided that it was a kind of clover.
I've never seen it this color before.

We eventually made it to the location of the Pumpkin Cafe but nothing was there.
Either it closed or it was an incorrect address on the GPS.
So e looked up another spot - "Out of this World".
When we arrived there - it turned out that it was a kids play place.

So we googled another spot, ABV.
We had a hard time finding it at first and the directions brought us to an industrial area so I was beginning to think that we'd struck out again until we saw the sandwich board sign out front.

ABV = Alcohol by Volume

It was a restaurant combined with a liquor store.
Kind of a neat idea.

We were ravenous by this time so ordered lots.

Soft pretzel with two types of mustard.
The pretzel was great - I wasn't crazy about having mustard sauce with it - just my preference.

Special deviled eggs - they had pickled onions on them and they were delicious.

Pulled pork tacos.
These were delicious also but super spicy.
My mouth was burning and I didn't want to stop eating because they were yummy but I had to.

My Honey can take the heat though so he was good to go.

Lamb Burger.
This was also good.
The fries could have been crisper but all in all we were very happy with our meal.

See - happy to have some food in my belly.

When we left there, we hunted for a coffee place next.
Neither of us had had coffees yet today and we wanted to avoid caffeine withdrawal headaches.

We found a coffee spot in the same industrial area.

I had a Cafe Mocha - so good.

We tried a couple cookies too - chocolate chip and snickerdoodle.
They were chewy just the way I like my cookies - very nice treat.

After that we went to do some shopping.
We stopped at Old Navy and I got a few cute little tops.

Saw lots that I liked at Michaels - didn't buy any of it though.

Found some interesting kinds of Oreo's at Target and just had to get some to try.

Red Velvet with cream cheese.

Pina Colada was my favorite of the three.

I wanted to go to Hobby Lobby and I found one a half hour away on the GPS so we headed there.
The drive ended up taking closer to an hour because of construction but at least the view were gorgeous on the drive.

We've never made it to the Zoo yet - maybe we will this trip?

I just can't get over how green everything is - I love it.

It reminds me of a jungle almost.
I was snapping pictures like crazy as we were driving hoping to capture the beauty of it all.

Just green, green, green everywhere!

I love tunnels.

One of the cool bridges in the city - there are tons of bridges here.

So much green in the city - bet those places on the hill have a great view.

Gorgeous flowers too - these were just along the side of the highway.

When we finally got to the Hobby Lobby - there was a sign saying "Hobby Lobby coming soon".
Ha ha - OMG - all that driving and it isn't even open yet.
The building was there but that was about it.

There were some other stores there though so we shopped a bit more.
Found another Old Navy and got a few more tops.
Then we looked for a place to have some supper.

We found a spot - Claim Jumper.

I spotted a punch buggy on the way in.

There were lovely plants and trees outside of the restaurant.
I've never seen a tree with flowers on it like this.

It was a really pretty tree.

Off to have some supper.

The waitress was super nice.
My Honey thought it was a chain and affiliated with the place we went to in Vegas where BH had the giant slice of chocolate cake.
The waitress confirmed his assumption.
He is just so smart that fellow and so observant.
It hadn't occurred to me at all.

They brought us bread with our drinks and it was soft, dense and super good.

I ordered the clam chowder which was really thick and clumpy but also delicious.

On their recommendation we ordered the lemon pepper deep fried zucchini which was also delicious.

I tried the farmers bacon which was surprisingly just ok.

My Honey had the jambalaya and he loved it.

I had the chicken pot pie and it looked amazing when it arrived at the table but I was so stuffed that even the thought of a bite made my stomach roll.
I waited a bit and ended up being able to have a bite just to try it but took the rest back to the hotel in a to go container.

There were these whirlygigs just randomly next to the parking lot by the theater, tons of them. 

So many beautiful trees every where you look.

My Honey wanted to go to a movie and we found a theater right next to the restaurant.

Punch buggy game still going strong.

We saw Deadpool 2.
Not as good as the first but still highly entertaining.
It was funny and we both enjoyed it.
Most definitely not something to bring children too.
I thought the actress that played Domino was Kelly McCreary who plays Dr. Maggie Pierce on Grey's Anatomy, I would even have bet money on it.
My Honey wasn't convinced and when we checked later at the hotel, turns out he was right again.

Miss H posted this lovely picture of herself and her baby bump.
Thy had their appointment for the 3D ultrasound today.
Wish I could have gone with them in person but at least I'll get to see pictures when I get home.

SG texted me from the office today too to let me know that the dresser had finally arrived and she'd let Kody know - Yay!!!

It was a wonderful day full of good food, amazing experiences and time spent with the one I love.
He was treated to the many exclamations throughout the day from me and I think the most used ones were as follows:
"Look at that tree, it is sooo beautiful!"
"Everything is just so green!"
"OMG - I just love it here!"

I am pretty sure that our visit to Roloff Farms will be the highlight of this trip but that doesn't mean there isn't still tons of fun things to see and do for the rest of our time here and I am looking forward to every single experience.

Got 10,000 steps in!

That is all for today.

Until next time, be happy.

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