Tuesday 19 June 2018

Lackadaisical Day (June 9, 2018)

I kept thinking all last night and even this morning when I woke up that I would go for a walk, do some blogging and get my laundry started before I sat down to watch an episode of Call the Midwife and then I got up, made a coffee and sat right down and watched an episode.

Tsk, tsk, tsk!!!
Big Mistake.

Paddington was cuddling with me and he looked so darn comfy that I didn't want to disturb him.

Ha ha - he was stretched right out.

Mom sat and watched it with me.
Then we watched another.
It's just so good it is hard to pull away from.

Just as we started the third episode, my SIL dropped by with Mr H.
I thought I could hear a knock at the door but it was very light.
I got up and checked and there they were.
They'd been out for a bike ride and he wanted to stop over and visit.
Miss A was at a camp out for brownies and my brother was at work so it was just the tow of them.
He found our little shaker eggs, he was proud of that.

Showing me his "gecko muscles"

You have to grunt really hard when you make muscles don't you know?

He tortured the cats for awhile.

With is super duper laser (really it was just a flashlight).

Wondering why the kitties won't come out and play with him, ha ha!

He grew tired of chasing the cats and played in the box for awhile.

He still makes those silly faces, little goofball that he is!

He thought he'd have better luck with Professor Snuggles.

But Nope, the Professor was not one bit interested in playing.

They stayed all afternoon.
My Honey & I had picked up a bunch of outdoor stuff for the kiddos last time we were in the city so I was showing all of it to Mr H.
Of course he wanted to go out and blow bubbles so we did that for a bit.
I also had picked up treats for him and he found those so he had to have some.

Then it was time to go home.

Safety first!

He was ready to get back out there.

Mom walked and he rode.

He is so independent he refuses help and wants to do everything on his own.
Good for him!

It was close to supper time when they headed on home - it was a very nice visit and I was so happy they dropped by.

I did manage to get up and get my laundry started, change the bed and get some pictures uploading on the blog.
I also did some clean up, the house was kind of in a sad state.

Then once I had that under control, I called Mom back upstairs and we watched a few more episodes.

SV dropped by for a minute to see the renovations.
Not sure if she liked them, she didn't really say.

After she left, I finished getting the laundry put away, swept, did dishes then I rewarded myself with yet another episode.
My Honey arrived home just as it was starting and I realized I hadn't prepared any supper so I went down to the store and picked up a couple of frozen pizzas.

It was after 9 by the time we ate so we basically ate and headed to bed.

This oldie popped up on Facebook.
A bunch of girls I used to work with all got together and went out to a new restaurant in Halifax at the time.
Bubbles named after the character from Trailer Park Boys (I think it may have been his restaurant).
He happened to be there so we got pictures with him.

He looks so different than his character I would have walked right on by without having a clue who he was.
This is he and I and a dear friend I used to work with that I miss dearly.
She is one of the most genuine & sincere people that I have ever known.

Here is is in character - what a difference a pair of glasses makes!

Another oldie - It's not very clear but that is me on the far right, I was 14 years old at the time.
My brother, R, is on the far left.
I love it when these old photos pop up.

Unfortunately, still no fitbit totals,
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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