Wednesday 20 June 2018

A Seafood Kind of Day (June 10, 2018)

I slept in until almost 9 am this morning, it's been awhile since I've done that.
It was miserable outside.
Raining, windy and cold.
Perfect day for watching some Netflix!

I made myself a coffee then called mom up to watch our show.
We only had a few episodes left to watch so I figured we'd get them finished up today.

After two episodes, I made myself go in and get a blog post done.
I am still stuck on May 17, our first day in Portland, so I really want to get caught up.
It took a couple of hours but I did it - Yay.

I had taken some lobster out of the freezer last night to make sandwiches with and I wanted to have them on some nice fresh buns so I went down to the store to get some.
There was lots of lobster juice too from the lobster unthawing and I didn't want it to go to waste so I decided to make a chowder too.

I picked up potatoes, milk and clams as well and got busy when I got home.

I love the aroma of frying onions.

I got the chowder started then I made lobster sandwiches for mom & I.

They were so good.

I got some more pictures uploading then I ran myself a nice hot bubble bath.
I am still working on Game of Thrones so I read a couple more chapters - still a few more to go.
I am enjoying it still but picked up a few more books recently and am getting anxious to get reading them.
I'll finish this one up first though.

I called my son to ask him if he wanted to drop over for some clam chowder later and he said he would when Miss H got home.

Then mom & I got busy watching another show.

My son & Miss H dropped by just as we were starting a second episode.

We were all just sitting down eating our chowder when My Honey arrived home from work so he joined us.

It was good - nothing like a nice chowder on a blustery day.
Miss H was tired - poor thing, her back is bothering her.
So they headed home and mom & I sat down to watch the episode we'd been starting when they arrived.

OMG - Barbara died!
I was not expecting that at all.
I had a lump so big in my throat that I could barely breath as I was watching it.
I was so choked up and it was so sad.
I really liked her, she was so kind and sweet, I can't believe they offed her.

There was only one episode left so we figured we would soldier on and get it done.
They touched on Barbara's death a bit and I was choked up all over again and the tears were just a coming.

Such a good show!
But now I am all caught up.
I am not sure if there will be any more seasons coming out but I sure hope so.

It was late at this point so I cleaned up the supper dishes and headed to bed.
Back to work in the am!!!

This is so me on the weekends.

This used to be me but now that I read in the tub, I can stay in there all day if I want to!

An oldie popped up in my memories on Facebook today.
That's me in the center, my mom in the front, my sister beside me, my two brothers behind me and my niece and son in the front.
That was back when I used to go to the tanning beds, not hard to tell, huh?
Still no fitbit stats 😢

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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