Monday 11 June 2018

Toy Museum & Aerial Tram, Portland Trip 2018 (May 18, 2018)

My Honey worked out in the hotel gym again this morning.

I opted to stay back, watch Fixer Upper and take pictures of the baby stuff I picked up yesterday.
Aren't the little booties so cute?

We picked the Screen Door to have breakfast at today.

We'd seen it on a few You Tube shows of best places to eat in Portland.
(Audrey Roloff also mentioned having been there recently on her Instagram)

There was a bit of a wait but not too bad.

Once we were seated I noticed that Roasted Rhubarb & Blackberry Bread Pudding on their specials menu.
I ordered it right off the bat before even eating because I really wanted to try it and I knew if I waited until after I'd eaten I'd likely be too full and would skip it.

I liked that they had some interesting things on the menu.

I ordered a fruity breakfast drink and it was really good.

I also ordered the Alabama Slammer.
It came with grits and toast although I'd asked if I could sub in a biscuit for the toast and they forgot.
I mentioned it and they brought me out the biscuit and I am so glad I did.
Aside from the ones that My Honey makes, it was the best biscuit ever.
Light and fluffy and slightly warm, OMG, it was like heaven.

Patiently waiting for his breakfast.

He had shrimp & grits - he thought it was really delicious too.
As suspected, I was too full for dessert so I had them put it in a to go container for me.
I'll have it for a snack later at the hotel.

We walked around the area where the restaurant was for a bit and the blooms on all the trees and shrubs were gorgeous.

They were everywhere.
What a wonderful time of year we picked for a visit.

My Honey found the Children's Toy Museum when he was doing Portland research and it was nearby so we headed there next.
It was free to get in but they did accept donations.
It was run by a woman who passed and now her parents took it over for her.
It's a neat place to check out but has limited hours.
We lucked in today.

It was hard to take pictures because everything was behind glass so they all had these reflections no matter which way we tried to aim the camera.
These mini cast iron stoves were darling.

I wish I could get my hands on one!
They had little mini pot sets too - so cute.

Even little mini cooking utensils.

Some really old Mickey stuff.

A bunch of really interesting locks.

Circus toys.

Look at how they used to make the animals - so neat.

We thought maybe this was meant to be the Old Lady in the shoe?

My Mom used to collect these dolls in traditional costumes for me and I have the exact same guy to the far left with the white skirt and red hat.

I am not sure why anyone would ever want this - it is so creepy looking.

So much Disney stuff.


Another old Mickey stuffed toy.

They had all kinds of versions.
He sure has morphed his looks over the years.

The horse and carriage toys were amazing.

Kind of overkill with the pictures I know but each one seemed to have it's own unique thing that intrigued me.

An ambulance.

The ice truck.

Notice the one up top is being pulled by a couple of ox.

The circus.

Ha ha - a space age car.
I love seeing what visions of the future looked like back then.

The fire brigade.

Even a little burning building complete with flames.

This little wagon is being pulled by a couple of donkey.
These toys are amazing, they certainly don't make them like this anymore.

Noah's Ark play set.

There were all kinds of toys with that arc theme.

I wonder if these "occupation" dolls were meant for boys or girls?

There were so many of them all in their little uniforms.

Hard to believe that this used to be acceptable.

There were tons of varieties of them too.

These mini cash registers were darling.

More Disney stuff.

Love the dwarf stuffies.

Love this old Mickey doll too.

Little Orphan Annie soap.
I must say - Annie has come along way.

Lots of Donald collectables.

Some more.

That showboat is great.

Sailor toys

More coin banks.

There were all kinds of variations on the coin banks.

I really like the fishies, not sure why, just did.

Another coin bank.

Not sure what this toy did but I liked it.

An adorable doll house size patio set.

Theses old jalopy cars were great.

Fred sure has changed his looks too.

OMG - look how creepy that Mickey doll in the back is with the evil grin.

Awww, dopey.

More coin banks.

It was quite the collection.
Just rooms & rooms full of stuff.
I thought it was super interesting and am glad we checked it out.

We left there and went to a second hand, consignment place just up the street.
It was humongous and filled with lots of interesting things as well.

I want to get one of these old duck decoys and keep seeing them around.
I liked this one but it was a bit on the heavy side and I am already worried about our luggage being too heavy so I passed on it.

Great idea for a table.

Neat - I wouldn't want it but still neat.

I really liked this bench - want My Honey to build me something similar.
My Honey didn't have his camera or the batteries needed charging so I let him have my phone to take pictures.
These next few are his.

Bones & skulls are not my thing.
He always teases me that we should decorate with them but that won't ever happen.

Yup - not so sure why someone would buy this but not at all surprised that it captured My Honey's attention.

This I actually did like.

This looks like a bunch of pieces of dogs or maybe horses?

This would make a statement in decor for sure - just not at my place.

A kitty pillow.

Hmm, she's looking a little worn and creepy.

I never even noticed this at the store but I love it.
Halloween costumes used to bed so great.

I like how it has paper modge podged onto it.

I really really like this frog but again, way to big to haul home with us.

Guess My Honey noticed a pan he liked - it is giant.

I did pick up one thing.
I thought this would like good as an accent on our mantel.

We left there and decided to hit up the Aerial Tram next.

Google warned us that we may not find parking near to it so we parked in a parking garage that ended up being a bit of a hike away.

I've seen more rhododendrons in this trip than I have in my whole entire life before and they are just gorgeous.
Place after place after place had rhododendron bushes just bursting with blooms in all different colors.

There were other kinds of flowers too - like these wild roses we passed by.

Just look at them all.

I was getting a close up of these flowers when My Honey noticed a pair of feet sticking out under the bushes.
It spooked me a bit but luckily it was someone napping and not a dead body.
There seems to be a large homeless population in Portland which is sad.

Ha ha, guess someone lost their clucker.

We did eventually make our way to the tram.
It costs $4 per person for a ticket to go up and coming back down is free.

There are the trams, one on it's way up and one on it's way back.

It is quite the structure.

Just waiting for one of them to return so we can hop on.

They are kind of egg shaped pods.

There it is.

We were treated to some lovely views of the city.

I wish my reflection wasn't in the pictures.

We crossed over that highway when we walked over to the tram.

So much green every where in this city.

Passing the other tram that is currently on it's way down.

That pink house that you can see in this picture also has a car the exact same shade of pink parked in front of it.
We passed it several times on our travels.

Just enjoying the view.

Just about at the top.

Now we made it to the top.
It goes directly to a hospital so I think the hospital staff and visitors likely use this tram daily.

Just taking it all in.

Top of the Tram Selfie!

There was an outdoor seating area for the staff, patients and visitors and boy, what a view.

We walked around and checked it out a bit.

They had these really cool artistic water fountains.

Aren't they great?

This is where you get on the tram to go back down.

And this is the view from the hospital outdoor seating area.

Looking down, we noticed that there was another outdoor seating area just below us.

We explored what we could then got in line to head back down.

I am amazed that these cable are enough to hold those trams up.  I wonder how they got them up here?

On our way back down, looking back at the hospital.

All that green - amazing for a city.

I bet those places up the side of the hill have amazing views.

Instead of walking back to the car - we hopped on a train to head downtown and look for a spot to grab some supper.
There were two different food carts we wanted to try but both ended up being closed so we had to find another option.

We chose Brunch Box.
They started off as a food cart and became so popular that they were able to open a brick and mortar.

The burger hall of fame.

Excited to be here - it's been on his list for a couple of years.

We shared the Redonkadonk burger.

Instead of buns, the burger was between two grilled cheese sandwiches.
It was great.
The fries were really good too - super crispy, just the way I like them.
They had a vanilla lime milkshake on special so I got one to try.
It was delicious as well but so thick that I had to eat it with a spoon.

After we ate, we walked around downtown for a bit.
There are all kinds of these fountains around there.

This is the only one I happened to get a picture of but there are others.
Wonder if folks dip there feet in in the summer time?

WE came across the Flying Elephant - we'd been there last trip and tried their tomato soup on the food tour we took.
We got drinks.

We also got treats, a chewy, chocolatey, nutty square and a chewy chocolate chip cookie.
Both were awesome, almost wished we hadn't shared and that I'd gotten my own.

After walking around we hopped back on the train and just stayed on for the entire loop until we got back to the aerial tram where we'd first hopped on.
We walked back over to get the car.
The attendant was no longer there so we couldn't pay and were afraid that we wouldn't be able to get out but it opened up and let us out so all was good.

I wanted to find Roloff Farm pumpkin salsa so we stopped at Fred Meyers to shop around.
They were out of the salsa but as usual I was amazed at the variety of coffee cream flavors they had.
Strawberry cheesecake?
Interesting but not sure how much I would like that in my coffee.

This would taste good in coffee - I didn't get it though.
Maybe I'll have a chance to try it on another trip.

We did get a few things like yogurt, snacks and these.
Cherry Cola Oreo's.
They had little pop rocks in them so it was kind of like fizz.
I liked how they tasted but Pina Colada is still my favorite.

Before heading back to the hotel we stopped at Bannings for a bite to eat.

I was excited for dessert after I saw all the goodies they had on display.

That strawberry pie though!!!
I was thinking about it all through supper and saving room for it.

Had a bowl of chowder - it wasn't as thick and clumpy as last nights and tasted better.
It didn't come with oyster crackers though and I missed those.

We ordered the chicken dinner to share.
The chicken was all breast pieces and it was really good.
The zucchini was really good too, whatever they seasoned it with was yummy.

My Honey had the Marionberry pie.
He said it was really good - it does not look appealing to me at all.

The strawberry pie tasted every bit as good as it looked.
The crust was nice and flaky, it was filled with a custard then topped with fresh strawberries in a glaze.
Then of course whipped cream on top of that.
It was like a little slice of heaven and I could have eaten another piece easily.

After we ate we headed back to the hotel.

We remembered about the bread pudding from breakfast this morning so each tried a bite.
Bad timing though because nothing was going to compare to the strawberry pie I'd just had.

We thought about going to the pool at the hotel for a swim but I was tired and ready to call it a night.

I hopped in bed and had a look at Facebook & Instagram to see what was going on back home.

I saw that Zach had made a post about the beaver we'd seen yesterday at the swamp fort - thought that was pretty cool.

Incidentally, we received an email from him saying that our cheque had made it's way to him.
It was accidentally put in a neighbors mailbox but they'd made sure to get it to the correct place so all is good on that front.

Another great day in Portland.

Smashed that goal today!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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