Tuesday, 26 December 2017

Fighting off a Cold (Dec.20, 2017)

We got to bed really late last night so before even going to sleep I had already kind of decided that I might not work out this morning.
When I woke up this morning I decided that I needed rest this morning more than I needed a work out.
I've been fighting this cold/flu and I REALLY DON'T WANT TO GET SICK!
I find that when I am run down or tired, then I am more apt to catch whatever is going around so I want to do whatever I can to fend it off.
I let the girls at the office know that I was going to be a little late then I had a nice hot bath.

I stopped at the store to pick up whatever I could think of that would help keep this sickness away.
I ended up only being a half hour late for work which wasn't bad - I think I made the right decision for my health this morning.

I made myself eat all of this good stuff before I would allow myself to have any treats.

Right after lunch, us girls in the office and Mr BN, got busy wrapping presents.

It only took us about an hour and a half to get them all wrapped.

Some Facebook memories from Christmas 2016

We picked up a tree and it was one of the most beautiful trees I have ever gotten.
It had a perfect shape, nice and full, almost looked like it was fake because it was so perfect.

However, within a week, almost every needle had fallen off of it.

You just touched it and handfuls of needles would fall off.
It was so bad that I ended up having to take it down and getting a new tree.

Tree number 2 of 2016 wasn't as pretty or as big and full but it didn't lose all it's needles.

My sister and the boys came to visit for Christmas last year.
I picked them up from the airport and they were just exhausted.

Mr E was trying to smile so I could take his picture but he could barely keep his eyes open.

We carried them sleeping from the car into the house and they didn't even wake up at all.

Little angels.

We got them all cozy then visited for a bit.

Mom was getting some cuddles in with Max.

It was nice to have all of us in one house together.

So didn't quite reach the 10,000 step mark for today.
That's ok though, tomorrow is a fresh new day!

Until next time, be happy.

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