Friday 15 December 2017

It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas - Finally! (Dec.7, 2017)

I am so impressed with myself that I am still getting up early and getting my work outs in.
I knew if I just made myself do it a few times it would be hard at first but I would get used to it.
Got a whole hour in this morning.

Always happy to be done though.

Weighed in at work this morning.
256.4 lbs.
I think that's down which is great.
From now until after Christmas, if I can at least maintain I will be ok with that.

These are the Purdy's pecan logs I ordered for mom for Christmas.
She really likes them - haven't tried the Purdy's version yet but I am sure it will be delicious.

The sky was looking so beautiful this morning, lots of pinks.

I stopped at the store on my way to work to grab some breakfast.
I picked up these little yogurts.
They come in these little glass jars that are so cute.
It was lemon but very mild - I liked it ok.

I also grabbed a sandwich and some snack mix as I planned on working through lunch.

SG, SV and I finally got the Christmas tree up in the office.
We left it rather late this year.
It looks so pretty.

Decorated up the rest of the reception area too, not as much as usual but enough to be festive.

Another Facebook memory popped up from our trip to NYC in 2013.
My sister and I with the giant lego Hulk.
I love the giant lego creations - the folks that build these are so talented.
Fitbit stats for today - Everything is showing up green!
That is all for today.
Until next time, be happy!

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