Wednesday 20 December 2017

Solo Shopping Trip (Dec.16, 2017)

I was heading to the city today for a day of shopping so decided it would be my rest day today.
I wanted to be on the road by 7 am but was actually 8:30 when I left.
I love early morning drives like this, they are so peaceful, I love watching the world wake up.

I could see these two shapes off in the distance running across the field as I was approaching.

I figured it was a big animal and I was right, a mama moose and her little one.

I was lucky enough to reach them just as they were crossing the road.

They crossed quickly...

then high tailed it off into the woods.

I drove ahead a bit and there was a big clearing and there they were.
I pulled over and took some photos
and they just stood there and allowed me to.

Such a beautiful animal.

Eventually they grew tired of the photo shoot and they were on their way but it sure made my day to be able to see them.

I hit Costco first thing - I was looking for a vacuum for my son.
This was an idea but I ended up getting a differant one.

I stopped at a few more places before making it to Home Depot.

I was checking out dishwashers there but ultimately decided I wanted My Honey to be with me to make the decision.

It will likely be one of these two though - I did a bit of research on Consumer Reports and looks like Bosch gets the highest grade for dishwashers.

I did leave empty handed though......almost

There is a Subway in the Home Depot and I passed it when I was leaving.
It smelled so good that I needed to have a sub right then.
I got a 6 inch ham & turkey with all the fixings for lunch and I savored every bite.
I'd forgotton how good a Subway sub can be.

I contined to look around at some stores and shop.
I was feeling pretty good - like I had everything I needed.

I contemplated heading home but figured I was here, why not stop at West Edmonton Mall and have a look around?

It was well after supper so the first thing I did was find a place to eat.

I really wanted a Virgin Caesar so I went to Bourbon St.
All the restaurants were very busy so I picked this new chicken place.
I really just wanted the drink and to sit down at a table and go over my lists to see what I might have missed or what I still needed to pick up.

I had their pulled chicken sandwich with smashed roasted potatoes and corn muffins.
It was pretty good - I did eat all of the chicken sandwich but couldn't finish the rest.

I made a few more stops after that - found my brother a bread box, you know they aren't that easy to find anymore for some reason.

The girl at that store (Stokes) asked me if I was done with the mall for today.
Ha ha, I must have looked worn down.
I was feeling done with shopping though.

I considered getting a hotel room and staying the night but decided I'd rather get home and sleep in my own bed.

The roads were nice and clear and the weather was good so the drive home was good.
I wasn't looking forward to hauling all my goodies into the house when I got home but I did it.

I got home around 11:30 and got everything brought in.

I even did a little more wrapping before calling it a night.

The Christmas decorations were on sale at a lot of the stores today so I picked up a few things.
This garland - I love it but I'm not sure where I am going to put it yet.

This lovely little couple.
I've named them Noel & Joy.
I have a couple other reindeer just like her and I think they are adorable.

I called it a night around 1 am and headed to bed.

Fitbit totals for today.

That's a wrap.
Until next time, he happy!

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