Monday 11 December 2017

Happy Birthday Dear Brother! (Nov.28, 2017)

Got up super early and made my way down to the gym.
Had to run to the ladies room again this time at 24 minutes into my workout.
I don't know what happens, maybe everything gets jiggled around when I am jogging?

Came back out and hopped back on for another 35 minutes.
Still felt really good in my workout today.
I was thinking that the walk down to the gym probably allows me to wake up a bit more.
Normally I head right down to the basement so I haven't had much time to wake up by that point.

I loved this treadmill!

Just look at all the equipment in this gym! 

All smiles to have my work out completed for the day! 

Weighed myself after my work out on the scale there in the gym.
Not sure how accurate it was?

Have my 10,000 steps completed even earlier today, this is 6.36 am!!!
The walk to the gym is about 1000 steps each way so that really helped.

My breakfast this morning consisted of lots of fruit and croissants which I cannot resist.
Unfortunately, no bacon today, just breakfast sausage which I do not like.

The conference only went until lunch time today so when it was over, we checked out of the hotel then we did a little more shopping.
Mom was able to pick up most of what she needed and by 3pm I was getting tired and I was ready to head home.

We stopped at Smash Burger for some grub before hitting the road.

Mom had a salad that was bigger than her head.
She pretty much finished it too - guess she must have been famished.

Miss A had chicken strips and fries.
Nanny bought her a new little friend who joined us for dinner.

I ordered the truffle mushroom swiss burger which was delicious.
I also got the deep fried pickles and shoe string onion rings - both are awesome.
I saved some of them to take home for My Honey and also ordered him a burger to go.

Punch Buggy baby diarrhea color!

Miss A was happy to get home to see her little brother.
Nanny bought him a new little friend too who looks like their dog Mr Jones so he was promptly named Jonsie Junior.

It's nice to see how much they love each other.
Don't get me wrong, they have their squabbles but I think that is just normal.

True to her work, she shared her new minion with her brother.

When I made it home, I had a bit of a look on Facebook and more memories popped up.

This is Mr H - can't believe how much he has grown since then.

This was his very first Christmas back in 2015.

Ha ha, he was so roly poly back then.

He was such a little chunky monkey and always so happy.
Such an easy going little guy.

Always smiling and curious.

Just checking everything out.

I have no idea why I this picture popped up in black & white but this is My Honey and My dear friend Ms PP who has since moved to PEI.
And I really miss her!

My boy and my brother enjoying a my brothers birthday dinner.

Another of little baby Mr H just investigating his surroundings.

That was also the year that my dear friend Ms DZ came to visit.
She was such a big help to me too - that was the first year in a long time that I had my whole house decorated way before December and it was all due to her help.

My brother, Miss A and my SIL Ms M.
Family dinners are the best.

Ha ha, look he has his arms moving so fast that they look like a blur!
I love my family and I feel so fortunate to be so close to them and to be able to spend time with them.
I know not everyone has that.

We have not actually planned a get together yet this year to celebrate my brothers birthday which happens to be today but we will.
Just always seems to be such a busy time of year.

Ended another day with well over 10,000 steps.

I am feeling really good about getting the work outs done.
After Christmas, I am going to work really hard at getting the eating in line too.

That is all for today.
Until next time, be happy!

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