Thursday 4 January 2018

Last Day of Work before Holidays, Yay! (Dec.21, 2017)

Got up to find these two hanging outside the washroom door.

Got 55 minutes in.

Happy that it is done.
It was our last day of work before the Christmas break so we ordered up some lunch.

I had this ooey gooey good donair poutine.
In case you don't know what that is - it's fries with mozza cheese, gravy, donair meat and donair sauce.
I also added ketchup to make it even more of a mess.
It was a super good treat but I definitely could not finish it.

BH and SV.

SG and me.
We were all looking forward to having the next 11 days off.

I got home, sat down and Paddington immediately jumped up on me for some cuddles.

He rubs up against my face - such a little snugglepuss.

Guess he wanted a selfie too.

Pretty soon Professor Snuggles came over and joined us.

Paddington welcomed him with a snuggle too.

Such a handsome little kitty.

My friend SM crocheted this hat for me.
I was trying to perfect the art of the messy bun.

Not sure if I quite have it down but I do love the hat.
I noticed on Facebook tonight that my grandmother had been taken into hospital today.
Then I was speaking with my mom & my sister to see if they'd heard anything further.
She was struggling with her breathing and the doctor had her on some medication but was going to give more news in the morning.
At first my mom & sister were going to wait to head to PEI in the morning (they were in NS) but then later they called to say they changed their minds and were heading over right away.
It's so tough to be so far away when something like this happens.
She is a tough lady and it's hard to believe that she might not be here forever but the truth of the matter is that she won't.
Hopefully she can pull through - we will see what tomorrow brings.
Fitbit totals for today - not a bad showing!
That's all for today - until next time, be happy!

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