Monday 22 January 2018

New Years Eve with the Oregon Symphony & Pink Martini (Dec. 31, 2017)

Well here it is, our last full day in Portland.
I plan to enjoy it to the fullest.

Pine State Biscuits.
My Honey found this place online so we decided to give it a try for breakfast.
I am a HUGE biscuit lover so I figured that I was going to like it.

Must have been a good place because there was a bit of a line up.
We couldn't even stand inside at first but the line went through quicker than I expected.

This is another cute little area of Portland - the whole place is cute actually.
I am really digging the street art.

We finally got in!

They had lots of options on the menu.

We ordered at the counter then you go find a place to sit and they bring your order to you.
We sat in this covered outdoor space.
The sun was shining so brightly that I had to sit right beside My Honey at the table so I wouldn't be bllinded.
I am not complaining mind you, it was lovely (both the sun and being right next to My Honey)

My Honey got The Wedgie

It wa delicious!

I got the Chatfield.
Also delicious.

We tried the hush puppies but didn't like them.
Not that they were bad, we just have never been blown away by any hush puppies that we've ever tried.

They had a housemade pecan pie so of course we just had to try that.
It was LOADED with pecan but a little over cooked.
I'd give it another shot though if I ever came back.

After breakfast, we had a few museums in mind that we wanted to check out.
We headed to the Hat Museum first, or I should say, went looking for the Hat Museum.

We followed the directions on the garmin and it took us to this residential area.
It was really beautiful but we just couldn't see the Hat Museum anywhere.
We drove back and forth a few times where it should have been but no luck.
So we googled it again to see if we had the proper address and discovered that it was closed today anyway.
Ha ha.

So we just drove around a bit and had a little looky-loo.
See how nice the weather is?

There were so many nice homes.

With nice big porches which I adore.

Just look at all that green grass.

There were some really grand homes too - I also have a thing for yellow houses.

and gables.
I would live in this area in an instant!

More moss on the trees - it is just so pretty here.

I was just snapping pictures like crazy as we were driving along but I was just liking every house that we passed.
I love the woodwork on this one.

This one had my dream - a porch swing.
Our place in PEI someday will absolutely have a huge wrap around porch with a cozy swing for me to sit in and sip my coffee in the mornings.

This one was very impressive.

I liked the wreath on this one.

We thought we would head to the Puppet Museum next as it was kind of in the same part of town.
It was also in a residential area but was much easier to find.

The artwork on the side of the house helped!

They also had a sign above the entrance so we could be absolutely sure.

It too was closed but was opening later today so we will try to make it back later. 

Looks cool in there so I hope we make it back.

We walked up the street a little to look for a coffe and to find a washroom for me.
We came across a little store full of all the folk art that I love but I refrained and didn't buy anything.

Then we decided to head over to 23rd Ave so I could pick up my hat that I wanted.

We passed Blue Star Donuts which My Honey had seen on a few shows and it wasn't crazy busy so we figured we'd give it a try.

They had lots of "adult" flavor combinations to choose from.

Rumor has it that they sell out everyday.

We picked 6 differant kinds to try.

Hard to read but they had some interesting combinations.

I got my hat, yay!

We figured the Puppet Museum would be open by now so we headed back over there.

We passed some gorgeous scenery on the way including this park.

I love how these trees are a perfect cone shape - so cool.

I like to take pictures of the signs for the places we visit which I usually do in the airport but I didn't really see one in the Portland airport.
So I was happy to run across this one today just in time.

We had some time so headed back across town to check out the Puppet Museum.

They had a lot of really awesome puppets in there.

Although they are clearly femle puppets, they have male characteristics.
Maybe they are in drag?

The Mr.Rodgers Neighborhood puppets.
So cool - I remember watching that show.

A ballerina ice queen

They actually put on puppet shows in there, we just missed one.

It was basically just one big room with lots of puppets on display.

This knight puppet was awesome.

Someone put a lot of work into building this house.

This looks like a puppet version of Gepetto.

Giant eyeball man.

Marilyn perhaps?

A couple of soldiers and a rat (maybe from the Nutcracker?)

This was looking in through the front window.

Just look at all the detail that went into the costume of this guy.

She has lots of cool details in her costume too.

I love this little baker guy.

This is the outside - it just looks like a house.
I think this would be a neat place to take a child - especially if you got to see a show.
I am glad that we got to check it out.

We were off to the vacuum museum next and check out the funky paint job on this building that was right were we parked.

The Vacuum Museum!

Really it was more of a display of vacuums on a wall in a vacuum store.

There were some pretty funky looking contraptions though.

From the early 1900's

Ha ha, I wonder how good this one worked?

After the excitement of the Vacuum Museum, we weren't really sure what to do with ourselves.
We settled on going to try out the food cart pod.
It's our last day so it's our last chance.

My Honey had a bratwurst at Altengartz.
It was tasty.
I opted for a combo gyro which we sat in the car and ate.

I also had that Gibassier on my mind and wanted to have at least one more before we left so we went to Pearl Bakery next. 

I ordered two (one to take with me) and a strawberry meringue cookies.
Meringue cookies always look so good but then I try them and they just aren't for me.
This one wasn't awful or anything but I didn't love it.
The gibassier on the other hand was just as wonderful and delightful as I remembered.
I am kind of glad that I don't live nearby or else I would be wanting one everyday.

My Honey had one of their croissants which are also delicious.

I know that someday we will be back here for sure!

There was a big giant elephant statue near where we parked so we went over to get a closer look.

Not sure if there is a significance to it but I liked it.

We left there and headed back to the hotel to rest for a bit. 

I picked these up earlier - I am always excited when I find an interesting flavor of Boom Chicka Pop.
We don't have that many flavors available at home.
I am going to take these back to the girls at work for a treat.

We had a bit of a rest then we headed out around 7 pm to have some supper.
I was in the mood for pizza so My Honey found this place.
Oven and Shaker
I thought being New Years Eve that we'd have to wait for a table but we just walked right in.

We had a Kale Salad with a cheese crisp to start.
It was a good salad.

Ready to ring in the new year.

They had a nice oven - My Honey always notices the oven.

The pizza was really good too.

There was a young couple that came in and sat down a the table right next to us and they ordered the exact same thing that we did.
The Kale Salad and the very same pizza.

We also tried there gelatto for dessert.
It was a minty kind with chocolate sauce.
It was refreshing.

We left there and looked for the symphony hall next.
Wanted to make sure we weren't late.
We found a place to park not far from where the show was. 

We walked up and of course I needed to take a picture of the marquee.

I am excited to see the show tonight.
It was still a bit early though, the show was starting at 10:30 and the door were opening at 9:30 but it was only just after 8 so we had some time to spare.

It was a lovely evening so we just walked around a bit.
Ended up that we were right next to the square with the tourist information booth.

The tree did look just as pretty at night as I imagined it would.

This is down in the square looking back up at the street.

Lots of other folks were out enjoying the nice evening as well.

Then I had to find some facilities to use.
Not much was open so we headed back to the symphony hall.

Isn't this a cool cow?

I was trying to take a selfie of us and a lady from a group of people walking by offered to take a picture for us.

She actually took a couple which was nice of here.
There is my nice new coat I got for 23 bucks - I love it.

It was really a beautiful place.

We were quite early but eventually we went in and found our seats.

We were in the balcony but right in the second row so we had a great view.

Lots of balloons up there ready to be released at midnight I bet.

Ready to get the show on the road.

China Forbes from Pink Martini - she was great.

Storm Large (another member of Pink Martini) with the 4 grandchildren of the actual VonTrapp Family singers.
Being a HUGE Sound of Music fan, this was a thrill for me.

They had other guests too including a former Miss Oregon who had gone on to win Miss USA.

At one point they sang a song and invited all the women in the audience to come up and join them./

My Honey & I enjoying the show.
There was a nice little couple behind us that were huge Pink Martini fans so they'd driven up from LA for the night when they found out they were going to be playing tonight.
They were both super friendly and all throughout the performance she kept exclaiming "Gorgeous, just gorgeous!"  It was really cute.

The lady in front of My Honey kept talking and moving around in her seat which was super annoying.
A couple in front of us showed up late and it seemed they were SUPER Storm Large fans because when she came out they were singing and dancing in their seats.
They were just a skinny tiny couple and the man from the couple next to them was not impressed.
He was large and bald and he was so angry, he was telling the other fellow to shut up and he didn't come here to listen to him sing.

The littler guy didn't back down though.
I thought it was going to errupt into fisticuffs but the larger guys stormed from his seat in a rage going to look for an usher.

Apparently they told him that people are allowed to have fun there because a little bit later he came back to his seat and he never uttered another word.

Talk about excitement for a symphony performance!

There was a huge choir as well and they joined in with the symphony.

The VonTrapp grandchildren came back out at one point and sang when the orchestra left for a bit of a break.
They sang Stille Nacht and it was absolutely beautiful, I was blown away.

All in all it was a great way to ring in the new year.
They kind of missed the countdown and waited until after the show to drop the balloons to avoid folks hitting back up on the stage and disrupting the musicians but that was ok with me.

This dapper little guy was at the entrance of a building just next to the symphony.

Facebook Memories

This popped up that I had found and posted last year.
I forgot all about doing it but maybe I'll give it or something similar a try this year.

Christmas 2016

We took the kiddos sledding last year when they were here.
Mr D and his rosy little cheeks.

Miss A & Mr H were loving it too.
We are lucky here in town as we have a great sledding hill.
Mom was fresh home from the hospital too at that time so we took her with us and she sat in the truck and watched the kids.

Professor Snuggles looking at things from a different point of view.

Last year for New Years Eve we had supper at the food court in the West Edmonton Mall.
We just went in to the city for the night and saw a couple of movies.

I had chinese and My Honey had his favorite soup.

Christmas 2014

We were able to check out two different museums on New Years Eve back in 2014'
This is the National Atomic Bomb Testing museum in Vegas.
They actual used to detonate atomic bombs out in the desert and folks would watch for entertainment.
My Honey is posing with Miss Atomic Bomb, ha ha!

Next we hit the Neon Sign Museum.

Those old neon signs are really works of art.

My Honey.

Cool to see all the different themes that have made their way through Vegas.

It's great that they try to preserve some of the cool history of Vegas this way.

Neon signs for days.

Still looking in really good shape.
It was a little chilly that day but not too bad.
Our guide called herself a desert rat, said she couldn't handle the cold.
She was all bundled up in a big coat, hat, scarf, mittens, the whole nine yards.

This was my favorite sign, the big giant ducky!

Of course we met Elvis in the parking lot - it is Vegas after all.

Final step count for the final day of 2017 wasn't bad.
14, 714 steps.
I'll take it.

After the show we just headed back to our room and to bed.
I am sad that we will be leaving tomorrow but our flight doesn't leave until 6:30 in the evening so we have a bit of time left to bum around tomorrow.

Until next time, be happy!

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