Sunday 14 January 2018

Portland, Oregon Day 2 (Dec.28, 2017)

We slept in a bit late this morning and it sure felt good!
When we did get up, My Honey searched for a breakfast place and found

Cheryl's on 12th

A differant hotel clerk gave us a ride over there (such great service) and there was a wait but we didn't mind.

I love how they have it set up inside, big and open.
It was just crammed with people.

I ordered this Apple Frittwich.
There were two potato options - roasted red potoatoes or cheesy hashbrowns.
My Honey ordered the cheesy hashbrowns and I got the roasted potatotes just so we could try both.

They brought us beignets while we waited.
They were light and airy, not greasy at all.

Our food arrived.
My Honey got the Croque Madame.

Doesn't my Apple Frittwich look delicious?
They flubbed up and brought us both cheesy hashbrowns accidentally but OMG.
I am so glad they did.
They were the best hashbrowns I have ever tasted.
I would fly back to Portland just to have these again.

Just as we were leaving I noticed that they had one of the giant cookie cutters I'd seen at Homesense.
They are so coo - I might get myself one next year.

After breakfast we decided to just walk around and check out the downtown area.
It was drizzly out but not too bad.
There was this great mural on the wall across from Cherly's. 

 Another great mural.
Some of the wall art we see is just amazing.

We walked over to a car rental place and made a reservation to pick up a car tomorrow.

Not sure if there is some significance to this or not but interesting nonetheless.

We happened upon one of these food cart pods that Portland is known for.
I guess there are 30 of this around the city, this happens to be the largest one.

There is just food after food cart.

The food carts are all around a whole block then there is paid parking in the middle of it.

All differant kinds of food too - pretty neat really.
We didn't try anything because we'd just eaten but I'm sure we will at some point in this trip.

Another nice big tree we came across in this square we found.
Bet it looks nice at night when all the lights are turned on.

This was a strange experience.
The tourist information center had an all gender restroom and there were two male security guards and another man standing in there talking while I used the washroom.
It just felt weird.

While in the tourist information center we were guided to the walking tours booth because we were looking for a food tour to take.
The fellow there was so helpful and informative.
He told us about so many other interesting things aside from the food tour that we did book with him.
Hopefully we can fit some of them in.

We walked by a jewelry story and they had these on display.

Christmas tree ornaments.
So cute but likely over my price range.

After walking for a bit, we found a place to stop for lunch.
It was more that I had to use a rest room but I don't like doing that without being a customer.

It was a Thai place, My Honey had his green curry that he loves.

I had my coconut soup that I love.
I had to add a little sugar but aside from that it was delicious.
I had some coconut rice which was also very good.

Then we decided to try out the transit system and made our way to Salt & Straw on 23rd Ave.
It's an ice cream place My Honey wanted to try.

They make all kinds of funky flavors.
My honey wanted to try the Bone Marrow & Bourbon Smoked Cherries but they didn't have that flavor available right now.
Said they only carry it in the summer.

You can try as many flavors as you would like before choosing what kind you want so we tried quite a few.

I finally settled on Spiced Goat Cheese & Pumpkin Pie and the Spiced Lingonberry Eggnog.

My Honey opted for the Pear with Blue Cheese and I think a Strawberry Honey Balsamic with Black Pepper.

My Honey got lots of compliments on his coat while we were in Portland.

We definitely picked the right day to go there because it was fairly quiet.
We went by Salt & Straw several times while we were in Portland and each time the line ups were out the door.

23rd Avenue is a cute little street full of shops and restaurants so after our ice cream we just strolled leisurely along checking things out.

I saw a hat that I really wanted.

Also found some great sales on Christmas merchandise.
I picked up a few ornaments and things - I liked this but deemed it too large to bring home in my suitcase.
My Honey says he can make me one anyway so I took this picture for reference.

After wandering on 23rd for a bit, we made our way to the Living Room Theatre.
It was a differant little place, you could order actual meals that would be delivered to you in the theatre.
The line ups were super slow though, kind of aggravating but we made it to the movie just in time.

We saw Downsizing.
It was disappointing.
It had such a great start - really great idea for a storyline but I didn't like where they went with it.
They could have done so much more with it.
The girl who played Matt Damon's love interest was awesome though - she was the best part of the movie.
Oh well, you win some, you lose some.

After the movie, we hopped on the train and took it to the Convention Center which looked to be not too far from our hotel and turns out we were right.
It was very close actually which was good because we were pretty drenched by that point and my right ankle was bothering me.

We are planning on driving out to see the sign at Roloff Farms tomorrow.
I looked it up and apparently they do private tours so I emailed them in the off chance that we might be able to get in for one while we are her.
I know it's a long shot but it's worth a try.

Ended up with some pretty sweet totals on my fitbit by the end of the day.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy.

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