Friday 26 January 2018

Relaxed Kind of Day (Jan.6, 2018)

When My Honey left for work this morning he left the bedroom door open just enough for this guy to sneak in.
He got in bed with me and we had some kitty cuddles.

I spent the day mainly relaxing.
I did take all the decorations down off the tree but currently the tree is still standing.
I watched a couple episodes of Heartland then I decided to have a hot meal ready for My Honey when he got home from work.

I roasted potatoes and sweet potatoes.

Cooked up some brocolli

And cooked up some chicken.

It was a lovely plate of food and tasted delicious.
No work out today.

Only made it about halfway to 10,000.
I did have a very restful day though.
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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