Friday 26 January 2018

Cats at Rest & Play (Jan.7, 2018)

Had another day filled with relaxing today!

This morning Professor Snuggles was in the mood for a few cuddles.

He isn't usually very cuddly so it was nice.

Paddington was all about relaxing today too.

There is the empty tree.
I have everything off of it.
Just waiting for an extra hand to help me take it down and get it out.

Paddingtong eventuallly got tired of watching Professor Snuggles and I cuddling and came and pushed his way in.

He is such a little love bug - he was giving me all kinds of little kitty kisses with his scratchyl little tongue.

My brother called later in the afternoon to see if I could watch the kiddos for a bit because he got called out to a job.
He wasn't going to be that long so I just went over to their place.

I was happy to see the kiddos.

His happy little smile makes my heart melt every time.

Miss A was happily playing on her new ipad she got for Christmas.

She modelled her new dress she got for Christmas for me too.
Notice Mr Jones in the corner there posing quite nicely for the picture too.

He was all about posing for pictures today so I had to make him the star of the picture.

Then I couldn't leave Sage out, had to get a picture of her too.
My dad (their Pepe) sent them Visa gift cards for Christmas and they went and picked out gifts yesterday so they had to show them off to me.

Miss A got this awesome ship.

Mr H showing me one of the new Paw Patrol figures he got.

He also got a ship set and he thought it was just great.
I didn't watch them for very long, when I got home, My Honey was just getting home from work.
He got a remote control helicopter for Christmas and he took it out for the first time to play with.

Paddington was very interested in it.
He wasn't really sure what to think.

He was frightened of it at first but was getting braver as time went on.
He even batted it right out of the air a few times.

Then he needed to have a little break, ha ha.
The helicopter needed recharging anyway.

Then after a bit of a recharging, both the helicopter and Paddington were ready to go again.
Professor Snuggles got in on the action a bit this time too.
Looks like My Honey has found a new game to play with the cats.
I didn't get a work out in today.
I did get a few more of my Christmas things taken down so it wasn't a totally unproductive day.

Even got a few more steps in than yesterday.
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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