Monday, 8 January 2018

Christmas Eve = Family Time & Jimmy Stewart (Dec.24, 2017)

Today was nice and relaxing for a Christmas Eve.

Pretty much how we spent our day!
My Honey had to work and so I basically spent the day with the cats.
I had a couple little things to wrap that I picked up yesterday but other than that, I was already for the big day tomorrow.

So I spent my day enjoying my tree and watching Christmas movies.
This cold/flu is really trying to get me so I wasn't feeling the best and resting did my body good.

When My Honey did get home, I had him help me bring presents upstairs and fill stockings.
The stocking we have are really old and I don't think they could stand up to actual use anymore so I hang them up on the wall and use gift bags for stockings now.
I know it looks like a lot of gifts around the tree and truth be told, I do go a little crazy with the gift buying, but this is for 12 people too so it isn't as bad as it looks.

My sister sent a few pictures of the goings on down in her part of the world.
The boys are all ready for bed.

Playing with their Christmas Eve present.
Cookies they made for Santa.

My sister and her fellow are all ready for bed too.

My boy and his girl dropped by her parents this evening for some Christmas Eve family time with her folks and her little sister before heading over to my place.
Some of the family is away this year but those of us that are here had to get together tonight at least for a little bit.
My brother.

My boy and Miss H.
I love this picture of them.

Paddington is still relaxing but just from a new spot so he can keep an eye on what's going on.

Opening a Christmas Eve gift.
This one is from Nanny.

What is it I wonder?

Just love that smile!

New cat tree - hope it isn't too difficult to put together.
Their cat needs it though - she is a little terror.

My brother got to open a gift too.
I gave him the one we picked up for him.

I think he saw what it was.

Just what every grown man needs,
a Darth Vadar toaster.
I am sure it will come in handy.

My gift was a new little girlie for my collection - isn't she a cutie?
Miss H picked it out for me - she made an awesome choice - I love it.

My Honey got to open a gift too.
A tool for the bbq/oven which will come in handy for sure.

We opened a second gift, why not?
My boy was being silly.

My Honey & I

After everyone went home, I put on my traditional Christmas Eve movie.
It's a Wonderful Life.
I love Jimmy Stewart and I love this movie.
It gets me emotional every single time I watch it.
Such a great life lesson.

My little Paddington cuddled up with me and we made it through about half of the movie before calling it a night.
Facebook Memories from Christmas 2016
All the pictures I posted last Christmas eve popped up today on Facebook.
Everyone was here so it was quite a differant Christmas than this year, more hectic and chaotic but just as equally wonderful.

The kiddos made Christmas ornaments on Christmas eve.

Mr D showing me his work.

Mr E was proud of his work too.

Even Mr H was trying to get in on the action.

Then he decided snuggles with Nanny would be much better.

Miss M and Mr H were helping the kiddos.

Then we pulled out the board games.

Lots of strategy being discussed right here.

Opening their Christmas Eve gifts.

Setting out cookies for Santa and carrots for the reindeer.
They just had to throw in some silly faces.

My boy was a big Dragon Ball Z fan when he was younger so I grabbed these awesome shoes for him when I saw them.
I think he liked them.

Not much stepping going on today.
That is all for today.
Merry Christmas to everyone and until next time, be happy!

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