Wednesday 24 January 2018

Last Day of Portland Trip! (Jan. 1, 2018)

My Honey found a place for us to go for breakfast, Tasty's, but when we got there it was super busy and there was an hour long wait so we decided to walk up the street to look for another spot.
We saw some more funky artwork along the way.

We stumbled upon this place - Fifth Quadrant.

Sad face because we are going home.

I got the french toast for my last day of vacation breakfast.

My Honey had their omelet special.
It was a pretty good breakfast.

We left there and the next thing on our agenda was to pick up a laptop for me.
I saved some of the money My Honey had won in Vegas and shared with me just so I could get one.
Since Oregon has no sales tax I figured it would be a great place to get one, it would save me a few bucks.

We googled a Walmart and headed in that direction.
It was about 10 to 15 minutes out of town but it was a pretty drive.

It was a beautiful day.

The sun was shining - I for sure could have easily stayed another week to enjoy it.

Another cone shaped tree, they are so pretty.

Trying to just soak in the scenery and that gorgeous green grass.

I thought this tunnel looked neat.

We eventually got to the address google had given us for Walmart and when we arrived there, lo and behold, there was no Walmart.
There was a Fred Meyers so we went in to check it out.
It was similar to a Superstore, mainly grocery stores but lots of other departments too though including an electronic department.
They had a few laptops but not much selection.
The fellow was very helpful and told us they had another larger location very near by so we headed there.
The larger location was more like a department store and I loved it.
Wish I had more time to look around but our time was wasting away and so I refrained.
They had a laptop I really liked but they only had the model, no new ones in stock.

There was a Best Buy nearby so we went there next and I found a laptop.

There happened to be a seafood place in the parking lot by the Best Buy so we went there for some lunch.

My Honey had the tomato based seafood chowder.

I had the regular chowder and it was so good.
It came with oyster crackers, which I love!

I got a salad too and it was actually good.
Then we were waiting and waiting and waiting to get our food.
The waitress came and apologized and then the manager did too.
I don't know what the issue was but it was wasting up all the time we had left so it was kind of annoying.

It finally showed up an hour later.
I got the steak oscar and it was ok but not worth that long of a wait.

My Honey had a fish dish.
His was just ok as well.

We caught a couple glimpses of that mountain off in the distance on our way back into the city center but this was the best picture I could get.

We tried to stop at Pandora as well so I could grab a charm as a memento of our trip.
I had already decided which one I wanted but Pandora was closed.

By that time it was pretty much time to head to the airport.
We took the car and dropped it off near the rental place.
We had to drive around the block a few times to find a parking spot but we eventually found one.

We parked and called a cab to pick us up on the street there.
The cab driver was pretty cool.
Said he'd spent summers in Canada lots and was planning on spending this summer up in the Yukon.

He also said his daughter was a big fan of Heartland and that he watched it with her.
He knew lots of the characters names too, he was rhyming them off.

I mentioned that I was a big fan of Little People Big World and he said he had a friend who was a producer on the show.
He said he wasn't a big wig though, he was a little wig.
Ha ha, I thought that was funny.

We thought we were super late getting to the airport but the Air Canada agent wasn't even there yet.
They only arrive an hour or so before the flight was due to board.
It ended up being plenty of time.
Getting through security at the airport was a breeze.

We timed everything just right as the cold snap in Alberta came to an end and the state of emergency because of the cold was lifted today.

We flew from Portland to Calgary without incident.

When we got to Calgary I picked us up Bagel BELT's for supper from good old Timmie's.
We thought we didn't have much time before our next flight but there ended up being delay after delay.

My Honey and I hanging in the Calgary airport and making the best of things.

We came up with our own Book Challenge for 2018

12 books, one for each month.
(the number 13 was one My Honey added as a joke later).

There were lots of folks on our flights that were supposed to be making connections so they were starting to get agitated.
First our flight was late arriving.
Then they couldn't get the passengers off because the bridge was broken.
Then they finally fixed that but we still couldn't leave because we were short a flight attendent.
They had to call someone in and it took her awhile to get there.

We were supposed to land in Edmonton just after midnight but it ended up being 3 am when we got there.
We picked up the truck and headed right to the hotel and straight to bed.
We were exhausted.
Then at 6am the fire alarm in the hotel started going off.
It kept going and going so we got up and got dressed to go out then it stopped just as we were leaving so thankfully it was a false alarm and we were able to go back to bed.

Made it over the 10,000 mark for steps today!

All in all, we had a wonderful trip to Portland.
I loved it there and we will most definitely be going back sometime in the future.

That is all for today.
Until next time, be happy!

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