Wednesday 2 August 2017

Fun Filled Day

I was excited this morning, going to get my hair did!
Some before shots - the grey doesn't seem to show as much in the picture as it does in my mirror for some reason?

See how happy I am to be getting my mop taken care of?

I didn't get up quite as early as I wanted so breakfast on the run it was.
Whole grain bagels, chive cream cheese and raspberry jam - such a delicious combo!

My good deed today was for my hair stylist!
I picked out one of the cards I had purchased last week that I though fit the occasion

Apologies for missing my appointment last week.

I stopped at the store too and picked up a few goodies to put in a gift bag for her.
The foils are all in, now to let them work their magic.
I recieved this picture from My Honey - we were watching the kiddos today for my brother and they arrived while I was still at the hair dresser.
The caption read "best babysitter ever"!

All done.
I even had her give me a bit of a trim but you wouldn't know it from this picture.

The grey is all gone for another couple of weeks.

I arrived home to some half dressed children.

and a disaster area in the bathroom.
This is after I'd cleaned it up a little.

Mr H looked like he was having a grand old time!

Miss A gave me a little gift bag when i got home and in it I found this note and the little lip chap container.
How sweet!

We watered the plants before heading out - we were off to the city for the night.
Meeting my brother in there to drop the kiddos off to him.

Just because I love that little face.

Aww, she is so sweet to her little brother sometimes.

Helping with the watering.

Ready for a road trip.

Everyone is buckled in and ready to go.

I was trying to get him to make funny faces with me but he was having none of it.

This is about 5 minutes into the trip - he was animated and funny.

Then 1 minute later, he was out.

My Honey stopped at a canola field so I could take some pictures.

It was nice for the kiddos to get out after an hour of driving and have a bit of a stretch.

The fields just look so beautiful this time of year.


Stopped at Timmie's for a pee break and a snack.
He was just eating the sprinkles off of his doughnut.
Once he ate them all off and had a bite of the doughnut he was done and on the floor it went.

Miss A enjoyed hers thoroughly.

My Honey found this song on YouTube and played it for me a couple times at the house.
It is really good and lo and behold, it played on Sirius today.
Great song!

We arrived at West Ed and Miss A was enthralled by these flower dresses.

These are differant ones than we saw last time.
So creative.

We took the kids for a ride on these little motorized animals.
Miss A picked the bunny.

Mr H picked the zebra.
He was too little to go by himself so being the good auntie that I am, I hopped on with him.
It was kind of fun actually.

Next we headed over to GalaxyLand.
We said they could go on a couple rides while we were waiting for their mom & dad to meet us.

He wasn't too sure what to think about it.

Dad arrived and went on a ride with the kids.

He still doesn't look all that sure about things but he did enjoy it.

Of course he didn't want to leave but we had to.
Luckily we saw these cool little push carts that you could rent.
My Honey said it was the best 6 bucks he ever spent.
It was like being an another ride so Mr H was quite happy to sit in it and be pushed through the mall.

Miss A wanted to give it a try too before we put it away.
We met my brother at the truck and gave him the car seats.
He took the kids from there and we went back into the mall for some supper.

My Honey had his favorite - Pho!

I ordered from this Greek place in the food court but didnt' like it.
So then I ordered a donair but it was worse still.
The donair meat was like mush.
So I gave up and had frozen yogurt.
Can you tell which one is mine?
My Honey always seems to choose healthier options.
It was delicious.
After that we saw the new SpiderMan movie.
I really liked it - I love that they have been adding a bit of humor to these super hero movies.
We sat until the end and waited for the extra scene.
They did have one and it was cute.
Still like the Schwarma scene at the end of The Avengers the best though.
After the movie we headed to the hotel and basically crashed right away.
It was a fun filled, full day and I enjoyed it all.
Until next time, be happy!

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