Thursday 24 August 2017

Autumn is in the Air (and the Leaves)!

I went out to the golf course for lunch today since My Honey was out there.

They just logged this whole field next to the golf course and it makes me so sad to see it.
They go in there and just cut everything down and it looks so bare and awful.

Another thing that made me sad on the way out there - yellow leaves.

Fall is definitely in the air and I just noticed today that the leaves are starting to change color.

A salesman brought some graft to the office today so I took this to give to My Honey.
He said it was too flashy so I gave it to the fellow that was working with him, Mr WW.
That's my good deed for today.

My Honey made me a polish sausage up for supper.
He makes these sausages himself from scratch and smokes them on his smoker.
They are juicy and you can really taste the smoke on them.
It was delicious.

After work we took a quick trip to WCT.
There is a ladies golf tournament this weekend so we needed to pick up supplies.
We stopped at the casino for supper but it was super busy so we opted to go get out groceries first then come back.
We did run into Ms MN and her hubby there having supper.
She is my coworker that recently turned 65.
She was out on sick leave but is now officially retired so we are planning a retirement get together for her.

It was after 9 when we got back to the casino for supper and even though it wasn't that busy anymore, it took a very long time to get our meals.
I had the philly cheese steak wrap.
It was really good but my sweet potato fries were cold.

My Honey tried the chicken tikka masala, he liked it ok.
I had a taste - it is not for me.

After we ate we each threw 20 bucks in to try our luck.
I played the jungle fever game that I like.
I like it because I can make really small bets.
I ended up getting the bonus on my second spin and doubled my money.

I played a little bit more and was up and down but ended up taking 40 bucks out in the end so not bad at all.

We had to stop at the golf course to drop off all the supplies and put them away so it was another extremely late night for me.
Thank goodness after tomorrow I will be able to sleep in.

My son & his girl - such cuties!
She put this on Facebook today.

I remember getting these pictures done with my friends back in junior high at the Greenwood Mall.
We would get 4 pictures then we would each take 2.
I would hang them up on my wall next to my bed and I had quite the collection.
I still have them somewhere, I should dig them out and take a trip down memory lane!
I had a lot of dear friends and being a military brat we all moved often so we are spread out all over the country. 
I have lost touch with lots of them and I am not sure where they got to but I treasure my memories of them all and am thankful for the time I did get to spend with each of them.

That is all for today.

Until next time, be happy!

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