Sunday 20 August 2017

I'm a Grandma!!!!!

I wanted today to be more productive than yesterday so first thing I did after my morning coffee was get a load ready to take to the dump.

It wasn't a huge load but each little load I get there is one step closer to getting our garage cleaned out and organized.

I found this little air freshener I had picked up some time ago and finally got it hanging in the truck.
It doesn't have a whole lot of scent left, but it is cute.

The dump actually has some nice views.

I stopped and picked up some pre-made salads for my lunch and some ingredients to make supper for My Honey.
My good deed for today is to make sure My Honey has a nice cooked meal to come home to,

Getting lots done today so I am feeling happy with myself.

I did take some time out to cuddle with the professor.

My Uncle J gave me this ornament to hang in my tree that he had made while I was in PEI.
We had to take it apart a bit to get it into my suitcase.
It has been sitting on my table ever since I got home and I finally got it put back together today and hung in the tree.

I also got out and went for a walk.
It was a gorgeous day for one, not too hot, not too cold and just the right amount of breeze.

About 6 minutes in I was starting to develop a blister on my heel and I considered turning back.
Then a few trucks drove by and waved and it kind of encouraged me to keep going.

The sky was looking so pretty today, such a vibrant blue with dotted white clouds here and there.
Just the kind of sky I love.

On the home stretch.
I walked for about 20 minutes and I think it was a good start.

The ornament from a different angle.
I am so glad that we have a tree in our yard, it would look so plain without it.

When I got home, I found a movie to watch on Netflix

The Intervention
It was ok, I give it a 7 out of 10.
There were some funny parts and some touching parts but I don't know that I would suggest it to a friend.
It wasn't a horrible waste of time either though so I guess it did the trick - it entertained me.
I am certainly grateful that I didn't pay to watch it though and found it on Netflix for free.
If I had paid, I would likely have been a little more disappointed.

I cooked up some hamburger and snuck in some lentils for extra nutrition, a little trick I learned years ago from a nutritionist whose classes I used to attend.
The classes were put on by Sobeys grocery store, the nutritionist was very likeable and knowledgeable and I still remember a lot of the things she taught me to this day.

Supper was sloppy joes.
My Honey said I'd never made them for him before which surprised me.
They are so easy to make and so good.

I was about to invite my son over for some because I know he likes them when he called me.
He and his girlfriend have a new family member.

She was up for adoption at the pet store and they couldn't resist so they brought her home.
They haven't quite settled on a name yet.
I asked them to bring her over so we could meet her.
She was very busy so I had a hard time trying to get a picture of her.

Professor Snuggles wasn't sure what to make of her.

She looks like a little mini version of him.

They are both entirely black with green eyes.

She is such a little cutie!

Our family is growing!

Some memories popped up on Facebook from the first time we used My Honey's clay oven he built at his parents place back in 2015.

The oven.
It took him lots of time and sweat to get this built.
He & him mom did most of the work.
It had to cure for a few months and now it is finally ready to go.
I love how rugged and rustic it looks.

Preparing the dough.

Adding the home made tomato sauce.

Tearing the mozza to add.

Topped with a few basil leaves and now it is ready to go.

Into the oven goes the first pizza ever.

It didn't take long for the crust to start bubbling up.

The finished product - Looking super proud and happy and he should be because let me tell you, it was delicious!
He never seizes to amaze me with his talents.

This is a video I took of one of the pizzas cooking, it is cool how quickly they cook up.

Lily is patiently waiting either for a slice or for My Honey's attention.

The fruits of his labour today minus four pizzas that we ate for supper.
The oven is a hit, I can't wait until we have our forever home so that he can build one of these in our yard.

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