Monday 28 August 2017

City Day with My Mama

Mom had a follow up appointment at the stroke clinic in Edmonton today so we were up early and heading in to the city by 9 am.
My Honey also left for the city.
His brother and nephew are flying in this morning and he is picking them up there.
They are going to hang out and go to the football game tonight.
They are all spending the night together then they are flying back home tomorrow.

We stopped at Timmie's for breakfast.
We went through the drive thru and they got our order totally wrong so I had to go back and go in to get the correct order.
Kind of a pain - I would have just ate what they gave me but mom wanted what she ordered.
I am glad I went back though because my bacon and egg croissant was yummy.

Mom enjoyed her bagel and cream cheese.

First stop was manis & pedis.

I was only going to get a manicure but as usual they talked me right into getting a pedicure too.

Mom getting her nails did.

The final product.
Mom's are the white tips, mine are the pink ones.

I love to be matchy matchy so I got the same color on my toes as wel.

I saw this sign on the way over to the hospital and I thought it was funny.

The appointment was a total waste of time.
They brought us all the way in there to let us know the results of a test they did on her heart about 6 months ago and the results were that they didn't find anything wrong.
That was it.
They said that they are only unable to figure out the reason/cause for a stroke in 5 - 10 percent of cases and mom's is one of those cases.
They see nothing that would have caused it so I guess it will just remain a mystery.

We are all done with them and from here on out she will just need to consult her family doctor for medical inquiries.

We drove downtown looking for a place to eat and this place perked my interest.
I wasn't sure if mom would like it so I skipped it today but I think My Honey wouldn't mind giving it a go.
Maybe next time we are in the city.

I ended up picking Urban Diner.
It was featured on You Gotta Eat Here and we have been in the past and it was really good.

I wasn't aware until today that they had an outside eating area.
Of course we opted to eat out there because it was a beautiful day.
Not sure how many more of these we will have this summer so didn't want to waste it.

It is quite a large patio area too and very pretty.

This little place is right next door, I want to try it out sometime.

I checked out the desserts right away.
It didn't take me long to decide that this is what I wanted.
Ginger Spice Cake.

These looked good too and I almost ordered both, but I didn't want to be greedy.
Next time!

Mom had the fish and sweet potato fries.
The fish was really good - I tried a little piece of here.

I had the grilled chicken burger.
It had all kinds of goodies on it.
I ordered the red pepper aioli for my fries - it was runny but really good.

I think the bun was homemade and there was garlic aioli on the burger and lots of greens.
I ate the whole entire sandwich which is unusual for me.

I saw this pink punch buggy go by - love it.
I had to send My Honey a picture and "punch" him.

Mom had the strawberry rhubarb pie for dessert.

I was still craving that Ginger Spice Cake so stuck with my original choice.

OMG - it was divine!
It was moist and spicy and it even had big chunks of real ginger in it.
I wanted to lick the plate but thought that was going a little too far so refrained.

They had these window boxes out front that were looking lovely.
Mom really liked them.

My Honey was sending me pictures from his day too.
He went to our favorite Mexican place in Leduc - Habanero's.
He had the tortilla soup and I was soooo jealous because it is so delicious.
I am looking forward to going back there to have it again.

He also went to the little furniture store with all the taxidermy that we think is so cute.
I never would have believed that I would have liked it, I always thought it was really creepy but life is just full of surprises.

I saw another yellow punch buggy so sent My Honey another picture and "punched" him again.

Mom and I hit up Addition Elle and Pennington's.
I have a wedding to attend tomorrow and was looking for a nice summery kind of top to wear.
I was getting a little frustrated because I couldn't really find anything.
For some reason plus size clothing seems to be in ugly colors or patterns and I just wasn't feeling any of it.

We slipped into Ricki's last minute and I ended up finding all kinds of things I liked that were actually pretty colors and so that made me happy.
I bought 3 tops and a cardigan so I consider that a success.

We stopped at Costco too and I was browsing for a new food processor.
My Honey knocked ours off the counter and it shattered.
A huge piece of glass sliced into his ankle too and I think he needed stitches but he did not.

Not sure if either of these are any good, plus this one is 500.00 and I don't really think I want to pay that much for a blender.
Will have to discuss with My Honey before making a purchase.

It was dusk as we were heading home which seems to bring all the animals out so I was on very high alert.

At one point I saw a coyote run across the road and it looked like he was running up to another animal.
When we got closer I realized it was a bear.
I pulled over quickly to try to take a picture but the bear got up on his hind legs to show the coyote what's what, then took off before I had a chance.

I still get so excited and awed everytime I see a bear (from within the safety of my truck).

This song came on, first time I have ever heard it and I kind of liked it.
Snapped a photo so I would remember the name and could look it up once I got home.

Someone had a picture posted on Facebook on a local discussion page, of this little kitten that was found out in the field today.
They were looking for a home for it.
It was starving and filthy dirty.
Someone likely took it out there and just dropped it off which is so horrible.
I can't believe someone would do that.

I sent the picture to My Honey and replied to the Facebook poster that I would take it if they hadn't found a home for it but they had already.

Probably best - kittens are probably easier to adopt out so maybe we should stick to the older cats.
We may still end up going back to WCT and adopting Paddington so it's just as well someone else did take the little kitten.

My Honey texted me to let me know that one of the Jonas brothers performed at half time and he actually knew one of the songs - Cake by the Ocean - probably my doing as that kind of music isn't really his thing.

He was enjoying his time with his brother and nephew.

Mom & I got home around 9:30pm.
I put the few things we'd picked up away and then I read my book for a little before hitting the sack.

Wedding day tomorrow for Ms NC and Mr KT.
So exciting!

Until next time, be happy!

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