Saturday 19 August 2017

Good Day at the Office

I saw these little notebooks and there were 5 different ones so I thought it was serendipitous seeing as there are five of us girls in the office.
This morning for good deed/make someone happy, I brought them out and let Ms BH and Ms SV pick out the ones they wanted.
When Ms SG and Ms BK get back I will let them pick out the ones they want.
Then the one that is left over will be the one that is meant for me!

I went out with the girls today when they had their smoke day so I could bask in the glow of the sunshine.
It was a gorgeous day.

Lunch was my leftover donair from yesterday.
I warmed it up and added some siracha.
It got really soggy so I couldn't pick it up and had to eat it with a knife and fork but it still tasted pretty darn good.

Lined up our superhero creations from yesterday.
I am going to put magnets on the back of them so they can go on the fridge.
The two in the middle Miss A made for her mom & dad and then the ones flanking them on the outside are Mr H and my creations.
I think they turned out very well!

At the end of the day at the office today, a few of us were gathered around the front desk having a bit of a chat.
I love it when it just kind of organically happens and we get to talk a bit about things other than work.
I really enjoy the people I work with so it's always nice to have that interaction.
It used to happen quite often and there were days that we'd be off at 4:30 but would end up standing there chatting until close to 6:00 pm.
It doesn't happen as often anymore, especially in the summer time, so I really appreciate it when it does happen.

Unfortunately it came up that an ambulance was called to our backyard neighbours today and someone was taken out and it doesn't look good.
As I am writing this, the talk is that the husband passed away today.
It has not been confirmed but I think going by the circumstances that it is likely.
It is such a shame, he was a really nice, kind man.
He & his wife were always together and anytime they were in the back having a fire or a few people over he always invited us to come and join them.
I feel for her and the family - he will surely be missed.

It really makes it hit home that you really don't know what tomorrow will bring and that each moment we have is precious.
I know it makes me want to enjoy and appreciate every moment.
It makes me want to make sure that all my loved ones know that they are loved by me.
It also makes me think about my mortality and realize that I have a responsibility to take care of myself which I have not been doing very well lately.
Every day that I have is another opportunity to do better, at everything and I should not squander it away.

I stopped at the store on the way home and these were on sale 10/$10.00 so I picked some up for future good deed treats!

When My Honey got home from work, he & I watched this weeks episode of Face Off.
It is the final episode but they split it into two parts.
I am still amazed by the talent of the participants every time I watch the show.
I am predicting that Andrew will win - Guess we will see next week.

This memory popped up on Facebook - a pecan pie tart that My Honey made.
I am not big into pie, but pecan pie is one kind that I do like, make that love.
And this was one of the best I have ever had.
He is such a great cook!

Today was also my Friendversary with Ms SV on Facebook.
These are some photos that popped up from our trip to Hawaii back in 2014

This is her & I in the airport, I think on the way home.

Sporting some pretty nice hats the day we went to the aquarium.

This was at the magic show in Lahaina.
We weren't sure what to expect but it was fantastic.

Ms SV and My Honey - we were out to dinner again, somewhere in Kihei I think.
It was a nice trip - the weather in Hawaii is just awesome.

And that's a wrap for today, until next time, be happy!

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