Wednesday 2 August 2017

The Sticky Piggy

Today was super busy.
Today was Mr RH's turn for a good deed treat at the office.
It was a busy day at the office.
I ran home at lunch, did some dishes, folded and put away some laundry and headed back to the office.

I headed out to the golf course straight from work with a quick stop at the grocery store in town to pick up a few supplies.

Supper was some Caesar salad.
It was steak night with all the fixings but the salad was enough for me.

My Honey also made cinnamon bread pudding and a delicious English cream sauce to go with it that tasted like heaven.

It was a busy night and in between serving customers, I managed to get a few things made that I needed for our Burger Love special this week.
We wanted to do a Mexican taco burger with sour cream, salsa, tortilla chips and guacamole but I couldn't get ripe avocados or guacamole so I had to think up something else quickly.

Its a burger with maple aioli, bacon jam and candied bacon on a glazed doughnut instead of a bun.
Between My Honey and I we whipped up the aioli, candied bacon and bacon jam in between customers this evening.
We tried it and found it a little on the sweet side so My Honey suggested adding a slice of tomato.
I would never have thought to add that but it was just the right thing to add.
It cut the sweetness down but paired well with the bacon.

I am not sure how many folks will be adventurous enough to try it but I guess we will see.

We watched an episode of Face Off when we got home.
Phil ended up being sent home, I was sad to see him go.
He may not have done the best work but he was just such a nice guy you almost couldn't help but like him.
I am predicting that Andrew is going to be the big winner but there are still a few more weeks to go.

Then it was time for never never land and I was happy to go.
My back was a little sore and I was tired so my bed was a welcome sight.

Until next time, be happy!

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