Thursday 17 August 2017

Deep Fried Watermelon?

Awoke to another beautiful day!
I sure do love this season.

This morning's good deed was a box of cookies at the coffee station for everyone to share.

I took mom to WCT to go to the Service Canada Center.
I had a few questions about her CPP application that I sent in and her Employment Insurance.
I've been trying to get through on the phone with no luck at all so I thought if I just went there it would be better.
Boy was I wrong.
The lady wasn't able to answer any of my questions, told me that I would have to call in.
I told her I'd been trying to no avail and she agreed yes that it was a busy time of year and suggested that I try calling back in September or October?????

I was floored with that piece of advice. 

I was at least able to get a form filled out to allow me to speak to them on my mothers behalf.
She said it would likely take some time before they would be able to process it (big surprise) but it's done anyway.

We stopped at Walmart so I could pick up some ears of corn for My Honey.
He is serving it for men's night tonight at the golf course.

We grabbed McDonalds for lunch then raced (by raced I mean we went the speed limit of course) because I had a meeting to get to at work.

Mom's friend picked her up shortly after and they are off to Saskatchewan for a few days.

I think it is good for her - she gets really bored sitting at home by herself all day.

After work I headed straight to the golf course.
The special tonight was smoked pulled pork butt, mac n cheese, crunchy pea salad, corn on the cob and blueberry buckle with English cream sauce for dessert.

The girls came out for supper tonight, Ms NC, Ms BH & Ms SH.
Ms NC's wedding date is drawing ever closer so we discussed that a bit and it was nice to just sit out on the patio and hang out and chat in the sunshine.

I skipped the corn and the blueberry buckle but I did scrape the pot to finish off the left overs of the English cream.
It is just absolutely divine.

It wasn't really that busy tonight, I guess lots of folks are out of town on vacation and stuff.

I also took out a watermelon that we had at the house to cut up because I knew if we didn't get it done, we would end up throwing it out.
I had a bowlful of it with a little sprinkling of salt and it was delicious.

My Honey tried battering and deep frying a piece of it.
It didn't get all mushy as I expected but it wasn't anything special.
It just tasted like a greasy piece of watermelon, not very appealing.

We got home around 9:30 and I got trapped in a game of Candy Crush.
Went to bed much later than I should have!

I'll just have to suck it up tomorrow when it's time to get up and I'm exhausted.

All in all, it was a good day.

Until next time, be happy!

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