Saturday 19 August 2017

Couch Potato

I slept in until almost 10am this morning - wow, go me!
When I did get up it was looking miserable outside.
It was smoky but it was grey and dreary anyway and it was chilly.
Not very inspiring weather.

So I made myself a coffee, sat on the couch to enjoy it and looked for something to watch.
Hence, this is what my day consisted of today, literally!

I binge watched the whole thing.
I did a few loads of laundry in between and did a bit of cleaning but basically this is what my day looked like.

I did make supper for when My Honey got home from work.
It was Hamburger Helper, the chili macaroni kind.
It didn't taste as good as I remember it tasting, it has been a long time since I had it but have kind of been thinking about it ever since I had it over at my son's the other day.
I think if I make it again, I will add a can of whole stewed tomatoes.

When My Honey got home, we watched the final two episodes of This Is Us.
We were both expecting plenty of tears to be shed (on my part) because we thought Jack was going to die in the final episode.
We were wrong, about Jack dying anyway, the plenty of tears being shed we were right about.

Now I can't wait for it to start back up in the fall.

My son's girl just turned 18 this week.
That's legal drinking age here in Alberta.
They went in to city with some of her family to attend a comedy show and posted a few pictures.

She colored her hair darker and it looks cute on her.
She can rock any hair color and still look absolutely beautiful.

He & She

Their whole crew having fun!

Enjoying a giant "legal" beverage.

They are always smiling.

Aww, two little cuties.
They really seem to make a good pair and that makes me happy.

We still haven't done anything to celebrate her birthday.
I would like to take them to the dinner theatre but we need to come up with a date that will work for everybody.

I also need to plan a dinner with the family and we haven't done anything for Miss A and My SIL either so maybe we can plan something for the end of summer.
It is just super hard to plan something that works for everyone with all these schedules to work with.

Anyway, that's a wrap for today.
Tomorrow I hope to get a few more things done, maybe even get out for a walk.

Until next time, be happy!

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