Sunday 13 August 2017

Quick Trip to PEI - Day 4

I woke up super early this morning so I could check in for my flight at 6 am.
I planned on going back to bed but it was so nice out that I decided to go for a walk instead.

This is the hotel we stayed in.

We've stayed here in the past and it is a cute spot - perfect because it is right up the road from my Grandma's.

I am not sure how many rooms they actually have but it doesn't look like many.

The sun was shining away so I couldn't resist taking a walk down to the beach (or shore as we call it).

These lane markers were neat, kind of nautical looking with the rope around them.

More of the famous PEI red dirt.
The shore is just at the end of the road here.

This was just looking the opposite way so I could catch the sun shining on everything.
As you can see, it is very quiet out here, not much around but nature.

Some pretty wild flowers I saw along the way.

I love this island and can't get enough of the scenery.

These red cliffs and this coast line remind me so much of child hood days spent at the shore down from my grandmothers.

One more shot of the sunshine just glistening on the water.

One happy girl right here - I was still in my pajamas because I hadn't planned on taking a walk but it was so beautiful I couldn't resist.

The tide was in so there wasn't any beach for me to walk on but I am still glad I went down there to see it.
I like to drink all the sights in as much as I can when I am there.

I walked by this field on the way down but didn't notice until the way back that it was just covered in those Black Eyed Susans (at least that is what I call them).

I liked how you could actually see the sun rays in this picture.

Another shot of the cute little lane marker I liked so much.

Everyone was still snoozing when I got back from my walk so I took a trip into town for some coffee and breakfast.

I got breakfast sandwiches.

Pancakes for the boys.

I also got this oreo cheesecake - it was good but not very cheesecakey.

Everyone is smiling this morning.

Aww, love him!

I caught up on a little blogging/journaling while I had my breakfast.

Our little patio.

I figured I'd get a bit of use out of it before we left.....

and sat out there and drank my coffee.

We stopped in to Grandma's to visit and say good bye until next time.
So I had to get a picture with her.

I know mom is going to miss her a lot.

Mom, my sis and the boys with Grandma.

One more group shot before we go!
It's amazing that if it wasn't for this lady right here, so many of us would not be here today.

Ready for the road trip - everyone is very into their electronics.

Managed to get smiles for a picture though.

We had to stop at Richmond Dairy Bar for a snack.
This is my Dad's favorite place for a soft serve ice cream cone!
It is thick and creamy - I think it's because it's ADL brand!

They have lots of menu items to choose from.
I opted for the scallop burger.

They had lots of Flurrie flavors to choose from as well.
Normally the more flavors there are, the more difficulty I have in choosing but I knew just what I wanted today.

We ordered some clam strips to share as well as it will likely be my last chance to have them until my next trip here.

The boys had popcorn chicken.

Mom had a scallop burger like me.
They only had 4 scallops each on them but they were still good.

I had the skor flurry and asked them to add cheesecake bits.
It was fabulous!

We stopped at my Auntie & Uncle's to say good bye.
These kitty's are just so darn cute!

Mr D had to give them hugs good bye again - he is definitely a cat person!

Another placed that is for sale.
It is just up the street from my Auntie's.
I guess we lived there briefly when I was young.
It is kind of close to the road so I am not sure about it.

We saw Herbie today!
We saw another later painted exactly the same way when we got to Moncton.
I couldn't take a picture of the second one because I was driving.

Had to get the boys to pose with it.
We were on our way in to Walmart for round 2 of getting Mr.D a birthday present.

They each had a dollar amount they were allowed to spend and our mission was a successful one.
Mr D loves his new Minecraft toy.

And Mr E like his Gobot.
They both are very much into legos so they each got a set but we didn't let them open them up in the car - far too many pieces.

The Cows store was open at Conferderation Bridge - Allelujah!

We just had to take some shots with the Cow.

The boys wanted to ride it.

Then Mr.D got the idea to milk it - ha ha!

My phone died so I couldn't take a picture but my ice cream was delicious.
I had the kind that has chocolate covered potato chips in it, I forget the name.
All the names are plays on cow terms, like Gooey Mooey or Fluff n Udder.
They seel lots of cow themed merchandise too that is lots of fun.
I picked up a tshirt for My Honey.

It didn't take long to get to Moncton.
We checked into the hotel and then I went out to get us supper.

I noticed this place on our drive in.
There used to be a Jessy's pizza around the corner from me in Dartmouth and we ate there lots.
They have such good donairs and I just had to have one while I was here.

After we ate, we took the boys to the pool for a swim.
Mr D is fearless.  He can't swim but he was just jumping right in and coming up all sputtering.
We would have to lift him up because he wasn't quite tall enough but he didn't care, he would just get right out and jump in again.

After we swam for a bit we went back to the room.
I had to reorganize the suitcase a bit and I had to be up super early to get to the airport on time.

This memory popped up on Facebook today.

I picked up this Gargirl on our trip to PEI in 2014.
I saw a boy & girl gargoyle in a tourist shop in Nova Scotia and I loved them.
In speaking to the shop owner I discovered that the artist lived in PEI and had a shop right near Miscouche which I know well.
We were heading there after Nova Scotia so I made an effort to find the shop and check it out.
The artists name is Candy and she had a little shop right next to her house.
I fell in love with this little girl so she is now living here with us and fits in very nicely with all my other little critters!

That's it for today.
Until next time, be happy.

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