Saturday 12 August 2017

Quick Trip to PEI - Day 3.

Everyone was in fine form when we woke up this morning.
My sissy's hairdo is especially charming! Ha ha!

Mr E is all smiles this morning and ready to get at the day.

Mr D wasn't so sure.

Until we suggested cookies for breakfast!

Mr E was happy with that turn of events as well.

I didn't have the best sleep - does it show?
Ha ha!

First thing on the agenda today - black head removal.
I don't necessarily have a problem with them, I just enjoy doing the strips and my sister just happened to have a couple with her.

Not a bad look for her!
She likes doing them as well.

Mom got a new shirt and I thought it was really cute - looking like a hot mamma!

This is what living a short walk from the beach will get you......



and more containers of sea glass!
I think if I lived here it could easily become a passion for me.
The hunt for an elusive blue piece or something even more rare like a red or pink would be serious stuff!
My Auntie did find an awesome pink piece, a highly coveted find!
It's almost something that should have been mentioned on the local nightly news!

She had this folk artsy table in her hall that I really liked and may get My Honey to build for me.

After cookies for breakfast and blackhead removal, I drove over to visit my friend Ms PP who moved here last year.
These are just a few shots of her beautiful yard.

What a great deck to sit out on each morning and enjoy a coffee.

We went for a drive to check out a couple of properties that were for sale.
This one was intriguing, 67 acres and a fairly decent price.
I have since decided that I definitely want something on the water but it took looking at a couple to come to that conclusion.

This is where Ms PP spends most of her time now.
She just got these awesome screen doors installed on her garage so she can have some air flow when folks are visiting but the bugs will be kept out.

What a great get together/hang out spot!

This old fridge she has is full of character, and memories for her, I think it is so cool!

She just got about 30 or so baby chicks so that is keeping her very busy.

Before that she repainted all of her cupboards - I love the color she chose and how it turned out.

This is an outside shot of her garage - I just love her property, it is so charming.

I thought this little wooden fence was so darling - love it!

These little solar pets on her front step used to be on her step back in Alberta - I think they are much happier in their new home.

She had some quahogs in the fridge and offered me some.
Of course I was more than happy to partake of a few.

Being the wonderful hostess that she is, she insisted on opening them for me which was fine with me.
She is so happy and in her element here - it is wonderful to see.
It's a wonderful example of how sometimes we are afraid to do something, to jump into the unknown but we do have to just take chances and see what happens.
She was back and forth about moving back home to PEI for awhile before she took the leap and now she wonders why she didn't do it sooner.
Although I miss her bunches and wish I could just drop by for a visit more often, I am grateful that she has moved to a place that I will always come back to to visit so even thought it won't be as often, I will always get to see her.

She insisted we have a feed of "piss clams" as we call them back home.
I was onboard of course so we took a quick trip to the fisheries to buy a feed and brought them back to her place to cook them up.

This is my happy face - I'm super excited about having some clams, it's been awhile.

See - super excited.
She cooked them in a way I'd never seen before.
She put the clams in the pot and then added a bottle of beer, no water, no salt, just a bottle of beer.

This is a cup of the clam liquor after they finished cooking.
I don't like beer so even though I normally like the clam juice, I wasn't expecting to like this stuff - I figured the beer taste would be over powering.

I was brave and adventurous and gave it a go anyway!
I have to report that it was delicious - I ended up not even sharing with her and drank the whole cup of it myself!
Another example of how will you ever know if you don't try?

After my visit with Ms PP I headed back to Grandma's to see if anyone wanted to attend
"The Very Best Lobster Fest"
that was going on down at the fisheries.
My Aunt V was the only taker so we headed down there.

It was such a beautiful day.
These lobster traps are so PEI to me.

Lots of folks were out enjoying the festivities.

There was a tasting tent, it cost $15 and they gave you I think around 10 tickets which you could then spend as you liked on the items they had available.
Each item was 1 ticket.
I had mussels, half of a lobster tail, seafood chowder (which my cousin MR RA was giving out), crab dip, lobster dip, lobster rolls, and bar clams on crackers.
I still had a couple tickets left but was saving those to go back for more after.

They had an exactor race so we popped over to watch that.

I love it down here, it was looking so calm today.

Even though it looked calm, the teams were struggling to get into the exactor without tipping them over.

They got in them somehow and then they were off.

I was expecting them to capsize but surprisingly they didn't.

They had to get all the way over to one side then back again.
The winning team made it look so easy and left everyone else in the dust.
They had already finished at this point and the other three teams were still doing their best to make it back to the finish line.

I went back to the tasting tent for more.
They had oysters on the half shell.
They were giving 2 for 1 ticket but the guy told me to help myself so I took a couple extras.

They also had the best ice cream that I have ever tasted - Cows.
They only had one flavor but I didn't care, it was so yummy.
I am hoping to make it to a Cows store while I am here so I can have an ice cream flavor of my choosing but if I don't, this will have satisfied my craving.
They don't have any Cows locations outside of the Maritimes that I am aware of.

They had live entertainment as well.
This little fellow had brought along his guitar and got up and performed a Stompin Tom Tune.
He looked totally at ease up there and he did a great job!

My Honey sent me this awesome picture he took yesterday.
It is a leaf cutter bee, which I have never heard of until today.
He got this shot of this bee carrying a leaf - I think it is amazing!

Later in the evening my sister and I took the boys into a little place in Tignish called Shirley's for supper.

Mr.D is a chocolate milk fiend.

Mr E usually opts for apple juice but they didn't have any.

My sissy is looking much more alert now that it is nearly bed time again!

This is an absolute must have every single time we come to PEI,
Fries with the Works.
Here that means fries, with hamburger, gravy, onions and peas.
We have been eating this here for as long as I can remember.

This might look a little like overkill but the ketchup must be added for the full effect!

I was trying to get them to smile for a nice picture but they just weren't into it tonight.

I had a skor blizzard for dessert and it was melting faster than I could eat it.
I couldn't finish but made a valiant effort.

We did teach Mr.D about the gun show.
He did this little show for My Honey.

Tonight we also cooked up some breaded bar clams I had picked up at the fisheries today so we could all taste them.
They were delicious.
I bought a bag to take home for My Honey.

Not sure if those games are a blessing or a curse - a little bit of both I'm guessing.
They sure were keeping themselves entertained.
Mr. D is totally into Minecraft right now.

A smaller crew hanging out tonight.
There are always lots of females when we get together, the few males must feel outnumbered sometimes.

Ha ha - a little bit of a forced smile there I think.

Family is such a great thing.

Play cards, who us?
Card playing is a big past time of ours when we all get together.
My sister is like a card shark - she is very good.

I decided to pop over and visit Ms PP again.
I probably won't have a chance to see her tomorrow and I wanted to spend a little more time with her while I could.

She was busy putting in posts for her chicken coop - her sister was there helping her.

She was quite concerned for one of her little chicks that wasn't doing so well.
She spent a little time hand feeding it and just loving it up a little.

We took a drive up to the new Stompin Tom Centre that just opened this summer.
He grew up in a home right next to it.

Stompin' Tom Connors is a famous Islander/Canadian.
His music is fun, lots of references to Canada and Canadian things.
It is great music and I love it.
I was lucky enough to attend one of his concerts here in Tignish a few years back.
It was the first time he'd been back to the Island in a very long time and as he recently passed away, I am grateful that I was able to see him in person.
His music has been a big presence in my life.

They have a little take out place.

There is also a little bar that showcases live music daily.

Because I hadn't eaten enough already today, we just had to try the Bud Spuds.
They were really good.
Just crispy fried potatoes that they add your choice of seasoning to.
They had popcorn seasoning so lots of flavors but we chose the house seasoning which I think was the right choice.
They were delicious.

We tried this too, they forgot to add the ground beef to mine but it was still good.

This is a home that we passed on the way over there.
I grabbed a quick picture of it on the way back because I've always thought they had such a great view.

Just look at that ocean.
There is a huge lot of land right across the street that is for sale.
Might be something to consider.

The fisherman are getting ready to put out the fall gear this week.
They are getting all there traps down to the wharf.

Tomorrow they will load up their boats, then the next day will be setting day.
Wish I could be here for that - there will be a few feeds of lobster happening that day.

This funky car was down there - someone put a lot of work into this.

The sky looks so pretty.
A storm just passed through (a quick one) and things seem to be clearing up nicely.

We went back to Ms PP's so I could get my car and unfortunately while we were gone her little chick that she was concerned about succumbed to it's ailments.
It's best that it doesn't have to suffer any longer and Ms PP won't have to worry.

On my drive back to Grandma's I was treated to a rainbow.
It's faint but it is there.

I got back to more company at Grandma's.
My Aunt N & Uncle G and their grand-daughter.
Bass Pro Shop hats seem to be all the rage in PEI this summer.

My sissy also picked up some fried clams strips for me.
I've been wanting to get them but they were all out when I ordered them so it was a nice treat.
It was so thoughtful of her.

We had booked a hotel room for tonight so after a few games of cards we headed over there.
I wanted to get a good nights sleep and I also had to get up super early to check in for my flight.
My Auntie doesn't have internet so I figured it would just be easiest to go to the hotel.

Once we got the boys to bed - I looked at Facebook for a bit.
Some memories popped up.

This is me with my nephew baby E 7 years ago.
Not sure why this popped up as he was born in March?
I love how he has his little fist up to his cheek.

These were from our trip back home in 2014.
We went to eat at a little place in PEI called Victoria By The Sea.

The restaurant we went to - Landmark Café - was featured on You Gotta Eat Here so we wanted to try it out.

The food was really good and the little town was very pretty also.
Glad we went.

That's a wrap for today!
Until next time, be happy!

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