Tuesday 29 August 2017

NC & KT Get Hitched.

I was up and at em early this morning to get ready to go to the wedding.
It is about an hours drive away and I wanted to get there a little early in case they needed any last minute help with anything.
I had a turkey croissant for breakfast and it was yummy.

It's been a long time since I was up at the lake and my memory was foggy so I had to drive around for a bit until I found the right place.
As I was driving I passed this whole wall of white curtains so I figured I had found the right spot.

I took a peek inside and they had it set up really nicely.

They built this wall and fire place and I think it turned out really well.

They didn't need any help with anything ( I got there a little later than expected) so I went over to Ms BH's lake lot to hang out a little before the nuptials.
She made these little owls and they turned out so cute.

Her grand-dog.
He is teeny tiny and so cute.

These two are brother and sister and they are probably just about fully grown now.
I can't get over how little they are.

Her little grand daughter was busy collection all kinds of creep crawlies and she was quite proud of her collection.

The guest have all arrived, now just waiting for things to get started.

Waiting for the bride to make her appearance.

The Matron of Honor.

The flower girl (the brides grand daughter).

There she is, the beautiful bride, being walked down the aisle by her son.

It was a lovely ceremony.

The groom was a little choked up which was really sweet.

The exchange of the rings.

You may kiss the bride!

What the heck, kiss her again!

Ms BH, her hubby and daughter.

A few tears were shed.

It's official!
Mr and Mrs KT!

I had this idea to make a "joke" wedding memory book with all kinds of silly pictures, like folks heads half cut off, really blurry pics, awkward faces and accident shots like the ground or the sky so I was trying to remember to take a few like that.
I thought I could make up a really nice book filled with them.
I would make a real memory book as well with good pictures in it.
I think it would be fun.

Having a little sit down.
Those chairs used to be pink believe it or not and the bride painted them.
They turned out really well and you would never know unless you got up close.

I wanted to take pictures of all the little areas she had set up, it looked so nice.

I think mom enjoyed herself.

So did this young little guest.

Supper was delicious.

What a beaming bride, so nice to see!
I am so happy for them both.

Dessert was chocolate or white cake with strawberries and whipped topping.

Cutting the cake.

Of course I picked the white cake because it is my absolute favorite of the two.

The crew all dressed up and looking darned good!

We always do this pose at our Christmas parties so thought it would be fun to recreate it today.

More pictures of the groupings.

I love the window frame.

I like the colors too, that soft blue with the yellow and cream, it went together so well.

I love the little bird and these lanterns.
Ms LD said she had all kinds of them and I could buy a few from her if I wanted.
I think I will.

Probably would have been a nicer shot if I'd taken the beer can off the table but I didn't notice it at the time.

The butterfly bench is pretty cool too.

She made all these paper flowers to decorate the shed.

She planted all these white flowers as well in anticipation of today.
I think they looked great with this fountain in the center of it all.

There were even a few four legged guests.
One of them was even wearing a tie but I didn't get a picture of him.

The groom gave his best man this gorgeous watch.

Mom was starting to get tired so we left around 9:30 pm.

We stopped at Ms BH's so I could show mom her lake lot and so I got to see her little grand doggy again.

We got home around 10:30pm finally.
My Honey hadn't made it back from the city yet so I just called it a night and hit the hay.

Until next time, be happy.

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