Monday 21 August 2017

Lazy Sunday

Fall is definitely in the air around here.
It looks nice out but I am back to long sleeves and pants.
I got my butt in gear and headed out for a walk.
The sky was looking beautiful again.
Just look at those clouds.

I put on thicker socks and a differant pair of shoes but it didn't help on the blister front.
Although the blister was rubbing away on my right heel, I kept going and managed to get in a 40 minute walk today.

I got 'er done!

When I got home, I prepared a bath for myself and started a new book that I got for Christmas last year.
It is set back in 1914 around the time of the war and I think it is going to be good.

My Honey sent me this picture he captured out at work today of a little froggy.
He always get the best nature shots!
I found Season 10 of Heartland on Apple TV and even though I had to pay 1.99 per episode, I watched a couple of them.
I was kind of missing the characters so it was like catching up with old friends.

I also watched this documentary, Diana: In Her Own Words.
Everything about her is so fascinating to me.
I thought it was really good.
Hard to believe that she will have been gone 20 years this August 31st.
I had a bit of a cry when they covered the part about her death, I think the boys being left without their mom is what gets me still to this day.
I made supper for My Honey again.
Bowtie pasta, garlic, spinach, left over pork and alfredo sauce.
I wasn't sure how it was going to taste but it was pretty darn good if I do say so myself!
I kind of got hooked into a couple episodes of Love It or List It then I had to tear myself away.
My Honey brought us home ice creams for a treat for dessert which I enjoyed but I have decided that enough is enough and tomorrow I am going to get back at it.
I will accomplish this goal of mine!
That's it for today.
Until next time, be happy!

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