Wednesday 2 August 2017

Kurios and KDays

This morning we decided to try a little place my coworker/friend (Ms BK) had told us about.

Hathaway's Diner
It is in Edmonton but kind of tucked away in a residential area.

I had a scramble.

My Honey had the omelet (or the Pamelet as the owner called it because it had all her favorite ingredients)
It was a great little place, the food was delicious and the service was great.

For my good deed of the day, I paid the bill for the couple that had been sitting next to us.
Hope it put a smile on their face when they went to pay and found they didn't have to.

I was too full to have dessert but they had this Lime Berry Pie which intrigued me so I bought a piece to go.
My Honey tried a bite when we got to the car because we have had a few cases where we purchased a dessert to go like this and by the time we went to eat it later, it wasn't fit to eat.
We didn't want that to happen again.

Turns out the dessert never made it out of the parking lot.
I would go there again and just get a piece of that pie.
Actually, I would buy a whole pie!

Aww, looking a bit sheepish here, maybe because it was his idea to try just one bite?

After breakfast we went to the Farmers Market in St.Albert.
It took us forever to find a place to park.
I had given up on it and just wanted to leave but My Honey found a place finally.
We had to walk a little to get there but that's ok.
St.Albert is so pretty, there are lots of little trails to run, bike and even this little river to canoe on.

Lots of other people decided to go there today too.
It was a lovely day.
They have expanded the market since we were last there.

We didn't get much, mainly food.
Tried this Chilean dessert - we didn't like it, it was kind of dry.

We came upon these fellows selling bubble waffles - Hong Kong style.
They said it was a popular street food in Hong Kong right now.

I couldn't resist, I had to try one.
Basically it was a waffle with toppings.

I had mine with mango, strawberries, vanilla ice cream and green tea sticks.
It was really good.
I could have skipped the toppings and just ate the waffle, I think I would have enjoyed it just as much.

I bought some new carrots to munch on then on the way out I grabbed a couple of these cookies.
I've had them before and they are chewy, just the way I like my cookies so I figured why not.

We left there and went and did some shopping.
We stopped at Canadian Tire to look at kayaks.
We couldn't decide if we wanted to each get our own or get a two seater.
Eventually we agreed to have a look for something second hand to try out first.
The paddles/oars were on sale though so we did each get one of those.

We also picked up a reciprocal saw because we realized after we locked up the house and left town, that we don't have a key to the lock we used so we are going to have to break in when we get home.

After shopping we went for lunch.
Ha ha, seems funny as I am writing this right now.
Looks like we just ate all morning and now we are eating again.
We did do lots of walking in the interim so it isn't as bad as it seems (ok maybe it is)!

We sat on the rooftop patio - the sun is so bright My Honey has to squint at me.

We ate at this little Mexican place we'd been to before.

They have rooftop seating and it was a gorgeous day out so we got to sit out and enjoy it.

It has a nice little view to the downtown area.
This place was packed with people for the Farmers Market just a few hours ago, now it looks like a ghost town.

I had the Chicken Tinga Salad.

There is some chicken and other goodies hiding under all that lettuce.
It was a good salad.

We had the street corn too.
It wasn't as good as it was the first time we had it.

My Honey ordered these Chorizo tacos.
As soon as they came I remembered that he'd ordered them before and didn't like the chorizo.
He hasn't changed his mind.

So after I finished we stopped at this new little place that just opened around the corner from where we were since My Honey didn't eat his tacos, it was called.......


He ordered the spring rolls.
These are some of the best I have ever had.
I just love the fish sauce they give you to dip them in, I could almost drink the stuff.

He also order their specialty, Hanoi Style Fried Chicken.
I must admit, I ate a piece.
It was sweet and sticky and crunchy - really delicious.

I loved this little display they had mimicking the peking ducks you usually see hanging in store windows in Chinatown.

We left there and did some more shopping.
I picked up some of my favorite childhood books for a couple of friends who just recently had a new little addition.
I've been meaning to get them something for a bit now but this was the first chance I have had to look around.
I also picked up a few things at Addition Elle.
They have all their clearance items on for and extra 70% off the already reduced price.
I got a bra, a pair of capris and a couple tops.
I stopped at Old Navy to have a look too but nothing there really tickled my fancy.

The last few times we've been past Old Navy on 137th in Edmonton, we noticed this food truck that always has a crazy long line up.
We never knew what they were selling in there so I went over to check it out.

They have ice cream, not just any ice cream though, it's rolled ice cream.
But they make it right there.
They pour the liquid onto these freezing cold table tops and it freezes up.

You can add in toppings and they chop it in and work the ice cream.
Then they slice it and roll it up.

They had two specials so I got one of each.

This one was sweet corn ice cream with blackberry sauce (it was supposed to have blueberries too but I asked them to leave those out).

This one was a mango ice cream with cardamom, pistachios and saffron.
I think it had one other ingredient too but I can't remember now.
Anyway - they were both really great combinations but the mango one edged out over the other just slightly.
They should really have these flavor combinations available all the time.

The line up was beginning to grow as we were leaving but it was still quite short relative to what we usually see for a line up there.

Cirque du Soleil is in town currently.
They had some of the costumes on display at the mall as a kind of advertisement for the show and they were so awesome.
Enticing enough for us to check into the show and at lunch today, My Honey went online and got us tickets for the show tonight.

I love how they have it in a big top circus kind of tent.

We had really great seats, right up front.

I tried to snap a few pictures of some of the costumes before the show started and they made us put our cameras away.

Looks like that fellow behind me was photo bombing us - awesome!

A better picture of the tent.

It was a great show.
Such a beautiful night too when we came out of the show.

We got two free admissions to KDays with the purchase of the tickets too so since it was such a nice evening and we were already near by, we went over to have a look.
It comes every year but I have never been before.
Honestly I didn't want to pay the $18 admission price to just go in and walk around so we never bothered with it but since it was free, why not?

First thing we did was try one of these - supposedly they are all the rage but I didn't care for it.
Neither did My Honey, especially when he discovered that it had a hot dog in the center - he can't stomach them.

This is about the only ride I can handle these days.
I didn't go on it though.

There were lots of people walking around with big, giant stuffies they'd won.
This lady seemed to quite pleased with hers.

It was after 10 but there were still lots of people around.

This giant prospector statue is in Klondike Park.
There was a little train ride there too.

Came upon this food truck selling edible cookie dough - had to try it.

I had the peanut butter.
One or two bites was good, couldn't eat any more than that.
Don't think I would have it again.

On our way out we came across something else that looked interesting so of course....

we gave them a try.
The fries weren't crispy the way I like and it was extremely garlicy but it was ok.
We only tried a few and that was enough.

By then we were ready to head home.
It was a bit of a jaunt back to the truck but it was such a nice evening that I didn't mind.
I always tease My Honey that he has a knack for finding parking spots that are as far away from our destination as possible.
I really don't mind though - the walk always does me good.

Back at the hotel I was looking at Facebook and a few memories popped up.

I just love this folk artsy craft stuff.
I tagged my friend on this one to see if she could make these flowers - she never did respond.

This was from a trip to Jasper a few years back, this fellow was just chilling there by the river, what a great photo op he made.
I just love that icy blue water over by the mountains.
It is always stunning when we go through there, I never get tired of seeing it.

Well it was a day full of food, shopping and adventure and lots of quality time with My Honey.
Just the wonderful kind of day that I love.

Until next time, be happy!

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