Sunday 13 August 2017

Back Home I Go.

I was up at 3:30am this morning to finish packing up and getting ready then I was in a cab and headed to the airport at 4:00 am.
I'd never been to Moncton airport before so I wasn't sure what to expect but turns out I could have gotten there a hour later and it would have been fine as it is just a tiny little airport.
Oh well, better to be early rather than late.

This is a view of Moncton as we were leaving.
Looks like they are going to get some rain today which is good because they need it!

I found a book to read on my Kindle.
I discovered that there was a first book and this is the second but I went ahead and started reading it later.
I can always go back and read the first one later.
It is a good little read and I am quite enjoying it.

These clouds were all in rows and it looked so neat.

Just about home now.
This is a canola field from an aerial view.

Descending into Edmonton.

The air traffic control tower at Edmonton airport - I like the funky architecture of the building, it is interesting.

I stopped at Cobs for a snack.
I got some cinnamon rolls and this spinach & feta croissant.

I had planned to stop and grab a few groceries on the way home but I was pretty tired so I didn't bother.

My Honey was still at work when I got home so I unpacked and put away the scallops I'd brought home in my bag.
When I finished that I had a nap.  It was 4 pm and My Honey was due home at 7 pm so I thought I would sleep until then.
Turns out he had to work late tonight, until after 9 pm so I slept until then.

I got up when I heard him and chatted a bit then headed straight back to bed.
I had an early start today and wanted to be fresh as a daisy in the morning.
I thought I would have some difficulty falling back to sleep but I didn't and was back to dream land in no time!

It was nice to be back in my own bed!

A few Facebook memories popped up from Aug.7, 2014.

A whole bunch in the family went out for dinner together at the Wind & Reef restaurant at the North Cape.
Just up the road from my Grandma's.
This was the first time my SIL got to visit PEI.

Here is the fun table!

I guess this could be considered another fun table!

All geared up to dig in to that lobster.

It's tasty!

Me & my boy rocking lobster bibs.

My brother and SIL.
It was just birthday so we were celebrating that too.

That's it for today, until next time, be happy!

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