Wednesday 30 August 2017

Weigh In Day.

262.2 Lbs
I knew it wasn't going to be good again but I am committing to getting back to doing something about it.

I am going to try for my 250+ steps for 12 hours today.
My first walk to the end of the road was a nice ont.
I thought it would be a little chilly but that sun actually felt quite nice.

Walk number two.
I ended up doing about 5 walks in all today which is pretty good.

Red leaves are uncommon in these parts, we mostly get shades of greens and yellows.
The reds and the oranges are my favorites.

Breakfast was an orange yogurt drink.
I picked them up for little Mr H but he doesn't seem to like them so I will have to drink them up.

Had some carrots fresh out of the garden to munch on today too.

I had to go out to the golf course at lunch to take some ground beef to My Honey so I had some ham and turkey left over from a tournament out there this weekend for my lunch.

I wanted to take some before shots and this was the best I could do for now.
I don't have a full length mirror that is large enough.

These are at an unflattering angle but at least it's something.
This is one of the tops I picked up over the weekend and I love it.

I took a few more "start" photos in our downstairs washroom.
They aren't full length but they get the point across too.

This is the side view.
I want to have something to be able to compare to down the road.

I got a work out in - Yay me!
I didn't jog the whole time but I did jog some.
When I first hopped on the treadmill it wouldn't start and I had to fiddle with it for a bit.
I was almost on the verge of getting very upset but I kept trying and I got it working.
Not sure what happened but I am thankful that it is working.
My goal was to get over 30 minutes in and I did that so I am proud.

Thumbs up to me (and my fogged up glasses)!

We had left over veggies for supper and I made a strange concoction that actually tasted pretty good.
I cooked up some ground turkey, added cauliflower crumbles and a can of cream of chicken soup.
It tasted better than I was imagining.

We had raspberries and blackberries.

I had some over a biscuit (but only a half of a biscuit) with some cool whip topping - yum yum.
When My Honey got home from the golf course, we watched another episode of Game of Thrones.
It really pulls you in - I wanted to watch another but I knew I would regret it in the morning so I refrained.
My Honey whipped up these little orange tarts for men's night and he brought one home for me to taste.
We added some fresh berries and it was fabulous!
I ended up missing one hour of 250+ steps but aside from that, I am happy with my totals for today.
It's been a long time since I was anywhere near 10,000 steps in a day so this is a good start.
That's it for today!
Until next time, be happy!

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