Thursday 31 August 2017

Typical Tuesday

I wanted to get up early and go for a walk this morning because I knew I wouldn't have time for it later but that didn't happen.

I did make sure to get on the ball with my hourly walks though - here I am on walk number one.

I went out to the golf course at lunch again and My Honey made me a ham & turkey wrap again for lunch.
He added some siracha mayo and it was delicious.

It was huge too but don't worry, we shared.
He sent me this picture this afternoon when I got back to work.
He made biscuits to go with the men's night special.
I can't wait to get out there and have one.
I opted to have a dessert before I had some supper.
It was so good.
My Honey & I did share it.
It was a busy day, I went straight from work to the golf course and then we didn't get home until almost 10 pm.
We should have been off to bed but Game of Thrones was calling our names.
No denying that we are hooked.
We watched an episode and then headed off to bed.
I didn't get a workout in today but I did get in at least 250 steps for all of the 12 tracked hours and I did get in over 10,000 steps for today so I am happy with that.
I am moving in the right direction again and it feels good.
Until next time, be happy!


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