Wednesday 2 August 2017

One More Day of Food and Fun

This morning we picked Timmie's for a quick breakfast.

I had oatmeal and a breakfast biscuit.

We sat in cozy little armchairs next to the fake little fire.

My Honey googling something he wants to learn about - he is always googling things that perk his interest.

I am not normally a doughnut person but wanted to give this nanaimo bar one a try.

We did some shopping for the golf course today.
My Honey is cooking a supper for 40 people out there tomorrow evening and so we needed to pick up supplies.

Before leaving for home we had a late lunch/supper at this new little place on 170th.

I'd never had Phillipino food before so wasn't sure what to order.
This dish had vegetables, chicken and a peanut sauce.
It looked kind of funky when it arrived but I ended up liking it.

We also tried the Chicken Crisps which is just deep fried chicken skin.
They had a dipping sauce made with vinegar, onions and soya sauce, I liked it a lot but no surprise there as I am a vinegar fan.

My Honey wasn't sure if he was allowed to try one yet - I like to take pictures of the food when it arrives and before we touch it.
I gave him the go ahead, ha ha!

We also order the meat platter which is a popular item.
It was pork, beef and chicken and more of the vinegar dipping sauce.
The pork was really tasty.

My Honey had this shrimp noodle dish - I wasn't crazy about it but he liked it ok.
We ordered way more than we could eat but it was nice to try something new.
We took home lots of left overs but likely won't end up eating them.

An old song I loved came on the radio - it's been forever since I heard it.

We stopped by this discount store we like to look for a new lock for the door and saw this funky little truck.

I'm not really a big car person but I thought it was awesome.

We got ice creams and blizzards on the way home.
I had skor with cheesecake bits - great combo!
I also felt like I wanted a burger for some reason, like I really needed more food?

We stopped at the liquor store on the way home to pick up alcohol for the golf course and I took these in to give to the cashier as my good deed for today.
She was so thankful, said it was just the perk up she needed to get through the rest of her shift.

My Honey decided he wanted to get something at KFC too and we ended up being there for about 40 minutes.
I don't know what the heck was going on or what the hold up was but there were some very unhappy customers.

Saw this mama and her two little cubs as we were getting close to town.
I tried to snap a picture as quickly as I could so it looks a little fuzzy.

We did pull over but the babies had run and hidden in the bush by that point and mama got up on her hind legs to let us know that she didn't really want us here.
I always get so excited when we see a bear.

As soon as he saw the vehicle pull up, Ipad was on his way over to visit.

It took us about a half hour to get into the house.
We couldn't cut the lock after all so we just basically broke the door knob off.
We warned the neighbour just in case!
It was lucky that we knew beforehand that we would have to do this and so we were prepared with a new lock which My Honey installed right away.

Some Facebook memories that popped up today.

These were some awesome shots I was able to capture of a lightning storm we had a few years ago.

I took a ton of shots trying to get a good one and I felt rewarded when I was able to capture this gem.

This was a picture I took in town here on July 30, 2012.
We had a horrible hail storm that day and it destroyed all my flowers and I was devastated because they were so beautiful.
This year was the first time since then that I had the desire to go out and buy some flowers again.
We have been having quite the hail storms this year too it turns out but so far my flowers seem to be surviving (just).
I've been enjoying them this year though and will likely try again next year.

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