Monday 14 August 2017

Kiddos for the Day.

I woke up bright & early to my handsome little nephew all cuddled into me.
I reached over to get my phone to take a picture and realized I had left it in my office last night as I was not planning on staying in bed when I put him down.

Then he woke up and the moment passed.

We left My Honey sleeping because he has been looking forward to sleeping in - it has been a long time since he has been able to.

I tried to find something for breakfast but he was having nothing that I offered.
He ended up having juice.

Around 10 am his mama called and they were up and about so we figured it was time to take him home.
He found these jalapeno Cheetos in the truck and was eating them.
I was expecting him to eat one and not like it as they are quite spicy but he did not seem to be bothered by that at all.

He wanted to feed some to Uncle too!
He went for a walk to the end of the road before this and got bitten several times by some kind of bug.
The one on his cheek swelled right up and he got one on his forehead too.

The smoke in the air from the forest fires burning in BC right now was so thick today and the smell of burning wood was extremely strong.
This was probably rolling in last night which is why the meteorite show was unviewable.
The fires have been burning for some time now and it just seemed so random that the air would be so full of smoke today when most of the rest of the time it is so clear.
I thought perhaps a fire was burning somewhere closer but apparently not.

My SIL had to go to work for 2 and my brother had not arrived home from work yet so I popped back over to their place to watch the kiddos until he got home.
Mr D was busy making me play dough worms - he was very intent on his work,
My brother got home at 3 but had gotten another job in the meantime so had to go back out at 4.
I had to stop by the store so I told him to drop the kiddos off to me on his way back to work.

I picked up a snack for tonight.
This is a new flavor I have not seen before and they were delicious.

The kiddos came back just after 4pm.
Mr D was spitting chocolate on my furniture and rug (on purpose) so I had to scold him and he was not happy with me.
I was not happy about it either - I felt so bad - I hate having to do that, I just want to be the fun Auntie.  Plus I knew that it was partially my fault for having kept him up so late last night, he was a little out of sorts.
He had a little bit of a cry then he fell asleep.
They look so angelic when they are sleeping.
It was late so I did not want to let him nap long but I knew he was tired so I let him get a few zzzzs in.

Miss A kept herself busy watching Netflix on the Ipad.

The smoke just does not seem to be letting up today.

My Honey had started dough a few days ago in anticipation of making pizzas today so even though it was smoky out, he went ahead with his plan and fired up his oven.

So I had some very delicious pizza for supper tonight.
He made about 12 pizzas in all I think so we will be having it for a few meals in the days to come.

We watched an old episode of Face Off tonight.
We first started watching it midway through Season 9 and this was the first episode of Season 9.
There were some familiar faces and some new faces.
It does not matter to me that it was an old episode - I still love watching what they create.

My wrist was really bothering me tonight for some reason.
I had to take some ibuprofen when I went to bed to get it to stop aching.
Not sure what caused it but sure hope it goes away.

That is another day done and enjoyed.
Until next time, be happy!

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