Thursday 17 August 2017

Thank Goodness for Bath Time!

One of my co-workers, MS BK, was off to Iceland today for a half marathon to support Diabetes.
Before she left this afternoon, she told us all that she is transferring to another area.
It will be a camp job that she flies in and out to each week.
I was happy for her but will miss her around the office.
She is the creator of the daily message board at the office.

My brother and SIL were heading into Edmonton for a Metallica concert tonight so asked if I could watch the kiddos for the evening.
Of course I obliged.
I love getting to spend time with them.

I stopped by their place to pick them up after work.
He is always so happy to see me - sure makes me feel good!

I picked up a little art project kit for making super heros at the dollar store and I gave it to them for something to do.

Miss A's creation.

Mr H made one too and I was trying to get him to hold it up so I could take a picture of him with it but this is the best I could get.

Professor Snuggles doesn't like to drink water from his dish but he loves running water or fresh water when I pour myself a glass so we go this little fountain for him.
It has a little pump and circulates continuously so we thought it might entice him to drink more water.
Got the idea from my cousin when I was visiting in PEI.
It peaked his interest at first but I can't say for sure if he has been drinking out of it or not.
We will give it more time and see.
If he doesn't use it, I am sure Max would.

My Honey picked up supper.
Garlic fingers, 

and pizza.

Miss A was loving it - especially the sweet donair sauce dip for the garlic fingers.
Mr H on the other hand could not be convinced to eat any of it.

He also brought me a chicken donair but I was so full from the garlic fingers that I put it in the fridge to have for lunch tomorrow.

Mr H was busy getting into everything so I put him in the tub mainly to have a bit of a break.
He just loves it in there.
Miss A and I snuggled on the couch and watched Netflix while he was in there. 

Once My Honey finished up a few things and sat down on the couch, everyone decided they would prefer to cuddle with him!

All squeaky clean!

He told My Honey to take off his shoes so they could go to bed.
Then he proceeded to try to put them on himself and walk around, he didn't get very far!

Cuteness Alert!!!

My brothers plan was to come and pick them up around midnight when they got back to town then they were heading out right away to BC.

I told him to text me when they got in and I would bring little Mr H out to them (we had Miss A sleep on the couch).
They ended up coming over around 3:30 am to pick up the kiddos.
They have a long drive ahead of them (12 hours) so they wanted to get on the road.

That's a wrap for today, until next time, be happy!

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