Monday 28 August 2017

The Cuban Squealer

Breakfast at my desk this morning.
Dark chocolate pudding and a kind of sweet, not so juicy plum.
My Honey was hard at work early this morning putting together this weeks Burger Love special so he could send me a picture and I could get it up on social media.
He made the buns from scratch, a soft potato bun but in a larger oval shape and thinner so it could be pressed in a panini.
He also made chorizo sausage from scratch, smoked pulled pork and cooked a ham.
He added swiss cheese and pickles and he is calling this one
"The Cuban Squealer"
In the description he says - it will make you squeal louder than a Cuban drug runner getting a cavity search at an airport.
I don't know how he comes up with this stuff but I do enjoy his sense of humor!

A whole group of us from the office went out to the golf course for lunch.
It was Ms BK's last official day before she transfers out to her new job so we were having a farewell lunch for her.

Ms SG, Ms BH and moi!

Me, Ms SV and Ms BK.

Because I hadn't had a chance to taste test it, I had a Cuban Squealer for lunch.
It was delicious but huge, I could only finish half of it.

It was nice to see so many people show up.

Even Mr JB and his wife dropped by!
He says retired life is great although he is working just as much now as he ever did.

After work I took mom out to the golf course for supper.
I can't believe how much the leaves have changed color since only yesterday.

Selfie with mom.

She had the Cuban Squealer for supper.
She made a pretty good dent in it but couldn't finish it either.

My Honey hard at work in the kitchen.

Showing off his big muscles!

I told mom to smile for a picture and this is what I got,
Ha ha!
I was taking lots of pictures and I think she was getting annoyed (not really)!

Just as we were finishing up our supper, mom's friends dropped in for supper so we stayed and chatted with them for a bit.
They had just been to the funeral for my backyard neighbour.
We headed home not long after.
It was kind of a rainy night so My Honey was expecting to be done early at the golf course but lots of folks came out just for supper which was nice to see.
It ended up being closer to 10 when he got home.
We hung out and chatted a little then headed to bed.
We were both tired and were off to the city in the morning.
Another good day in the life of April.
Until next time, be happy!

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