Monday 14 August 2017

Happy Belated Birthday Miss A!

My Honey went out to the golf course to drop off the stuff we picked up last night and stayed out there a bit this morning.
I spent some time getting caught up on my blogging/journaling.
My mom let me know that she wanted to take gifts to my SIL and Miss A so I called my brother and asked him to come pick us up.
We could have walked but we had quite a big package to take with us.

Miss A looking cute in her little dress.
She is excited to be getting a present.

Getting into the moment.

Someone else is wanting her to share already.

I think she likes it.
Mom has gotten little arm chairs for all of the grand children so far.
Miss A missed her turn so mom was making up for it now.

My sister sent a gift with me for Miss A as well.
Safe to assume that she is happy with it.
Thanks Auntie J!

Mr Jones looks stylin with his new haircut.
I bet it feels great to him too!

Mr D is really into his mini trains lately and he was busy showing them all to me.

Popped over to see my boy for a few minutes too (he just lives across the street from my brother).
He was making hamburger helper and it smelled so delicious that I just had to try some.
My mom had picked up scallops for him and my other brother so we were dropping them off.
My brothers godmother had made him a beautiful quilt so we were dropping that off also.

Miss H enjoying some hamburger helper - her first time trying the lasagna kind.
I can confirm that it tasted yummy.
She has a birthday coming up in a couple of day.
I would like to take them to the dinner theater for a show to celebrate.

My silly boy.

My brother had to work and SIL was going to a wedding.
She was going to take both the kiddos but for a good deed today, I offered to take Mr H for the night.
We stopped at the pharmacy to pick up moms prescription and he asked for juju.
We were not quite sure if that meant jujubes or juice so we got both.

We went straight to the backyard and hooked up the new sprinkler.
He immediately picked it up and started spraying people.

Then he sat on it and wanted My Honey to keep turning it on and off so it would spray him.
He was having a blast.

Blowing bubbles with Nanny.

His pants got wet so it was not long before they were off.
He is not one bit worried about it either.

He did get chilly so I had to get him a towel and he snuggled into to Nanny right away.

I think someone might have been feeling a little jealous about that.

My Honey cooked up another feast for supper.

It was all so tasty.
The steak was so tender I could cut it with a fork.
The new carrots tasted like new carrots - fresh and he left them a little al dente.
The salad was tasty too.
I went back for seconds of the salad and the corn.
I LOVE corn on the cob when he makes it this way.
I tried super hard to eat a second piece but could not quite finish.
It was a valiant effort though and there are still leftovers for tomorrow, yay!

Put Mr.H in the tub to clean him up and he had a blast swimming around in there.
He loved all the bubbles.
He was in there for close to an hour and was shivering when I finally convinced him to get out.

My Honey and I finally got the gazebo taken down.
I was so happy as I have been wanting to get it done for some time now.
It was all bent and crooked and was an eye sore in the backyard.

Our plan is to make a wooden frame and then use the tent and screen that came with the gazebo as it is still in pretty good shape.
Not sure if that will happen this summer but a girl can hope.

It is looking much nicer back there now.

I took Mr.H to bed with the plan of getting up to watch the stars again with My Honey but ended up falling asleep myself for the night.
He said he was not able to see much anyway as the sky was not very clear.

That is all for today peeps.
Until next time, be happy!

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